Clay turned to mush

9 1 0

TW; underage smoking, underage drinking, vomiting, racism

(Word count; 3000)


I first met Boris his dad when we came home from school, a couple of days before thanksgiving. He looked a ton like Boris. Pale, thin, sharp-faced. Something evil in his eyes and dirty brown teeth, unlike Boris. He was wearing expensive shoes and an excessive amount of jewellery. 

We immediately stopped talking. Theo greeted him with a careful 'hi' to which he responded 'hello' back in a thick Ukrainian accent. "привіт" (Hello) I and Val said in sync making the man light up a little. He let out a short 'ah' and gave us a nod. As if he was saying 'Ukrainian too huh?'.

Boris started telling his dad this bullshit story, all in Ukrainian. About how Theo let Boris stay over at his house when his dad wasn't home. Treated him like family. I guess it was true, to a certain extent. 

Boris his dad was very surprised and grateful. He stepped towards an absolutely clueless Theo shaking his hand and thanking him loads for 'letting Boris into his family' and 'god be with you and bless you always'. Then suddenly the man pulled Theo into a hug. I could feel Valerie trying not to laugh next to me. 

Once we were up in Boris's room, he explained a couple of things. Like how it would be better if his dad didn't know his actual address or last name. Kind of fucking creepy.


Spending Thanksgiving at Theo's place, without his parents being around, might've been the best idea we ever had. Smoking and drinking freely in the living room slouched in front of the tv. Some random show is on, showing a snow-white New York. Parades going on and big balloon characters. There was a group of Hawaiian dancers in grass skirts.

"Glad that's not me. Bet they're freezing their arses off. Can't believe they dress like that. They'll end up in the hospital, those girls" Boris strongly believed that being cold made people ill. He would always complain about unheated swimming pools, air conditioning and ice in drinks. Everything that keeps a person alive in Las Vegas.

"Those chicas are hot" Val slurs with the vodka bottle to her lips. "How would you know?" Boris asks her turning his entire body to look at Val. "The same reason you know" Valerie points at Boris. "Yeah, 'cause I like tits" "Yea no shit, me too" Val rolls her eyes. "You're gay?" Boris asks with an expressionless face. "No, I'm bisexual. What about it" she shrugs taking a swig. "Nothing about it" Boris shrugs too taking the vodka bottle from Val before taking a sip. He hands it to me and I notice my hand is shaking a little. 

Boris notices. He notices. "You alright Leo?". Am I alright? I'm not sure. "Sure" I mumble into the bottle and take a sip. After a little while of smoking cigarettes (multiple because Boris lights my cigarettes for me) and eating chips, Boris suddenly a loud "HA!". I jump a little a the sudden loud sound. "Did you hear that? This man just wished happy holidays to his kids Bastard and Casey," "You sure?" Theo asks grinning a little. 

"Bastard and Casey. That's hard, ey? Casey's alright, but cal his own kid bastard on holiday television" Boris continued completely ignoring Theo. "That's not what he said" "Then what did he say" "How the fuck should I know?" Theo asks lazily rubbing his eyes. "Then why argue? Americans always call their kids stupid fucking names like bear, and blanket and apple and shit" Boris is flaying his arms around like a madman.

"You really can't shut up, can you?" Theo asks openly smiling now. "I know what I heard. HA! Bastard. If I thought my kid was a bastard I would sure the fuck name him something else" Boris barks. We're halfway through our vodka bottle when we decide we want to eat. Xandra has brought us chicken wings and sausages and dumplings. I feel sick shoving it down my throat, but I know I need to eat something, to so up the vodka, so I won't throw up everywhere.

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