Lover Boy

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Abigail POV

Phone convo

Abby: Hey, Lover boy!

Kevin: Hey sexy, how are you?

Abby: I'm better after seeing you last night. What's your plans for today?

Kevin: Well you will feel really better if you come workout with me.

Abby: Okay text me the address and I'll be there shortly.

  Abigail walked over to the kitchen after sneaking from the bathroom not wanting to wake up Idris, her husband. She took out all the necessities she needed to prepare his special breakfast. Bacon, eggs, grits, and sausage! Smelling the aroma in the air ,Idris walked out the bedroom following the trail of the bacon popping in the skillet. He looked at her still drunk from the other night and smiled. Abigail phone lit up causing her to quickly put it in her pocket without Idris knowing. They went over to the barstools to sit down and enjoy they breakfast. Standing up to put the dishes away, Idris went down in his man cave.

Idris POV

   I don't understand why women mistreat a good man he thought as he shooked his head. He looked around until he found the stash of money he was hiding away from Abigail in his safe.  He knew Abigail was cheating on him for a long time. After counting the money, he checked the security cameras he had installed on the inside and outside of the house. He zoomed in on Abigail fixing him breakfast  and noticed that her phone lit up. With the words:lover boy on the screen. His breathing started to increase making him get angrier and angrier. He shut the computer off cursing to himself. "If I can't have her, no one can," Idris whispered to himself as he walked back upstairs.

Abigail POV

  Abigail was heading out of the shower as she checked her messages. Seeing that Idris was coming she locked the phone and cut it off. "Hey babe, I'm finna go out on a run..need anything while I'm out?" Abigail said. "Naw I'm fine," he said in a serious tone. Shrugging her shoulders, Abigail finished dressing and started putting on her Nike shoes. Abigail walked out shutting the door closed behind her. As Idris, peaked from out his window he saw that Abigail was putting on her seat belt getting ready to back out. He put on his black and blue ray bands. She looked back up at the house causing Idris to duck down. Idris waited until he felt the scene was clear. He looked around for his keys and got the GPS tracker to locate where Abigail was heading. Idris got in his black and blue Volkswagen checked his surroundings and sped off into the direction Abigail was heading as he made a phone call...

*Who y'all think he calling??*
* Things are about to get really dramafied.* *Excuse mistakes* *Warning: this book may contain explicit content throughout  the book because of the plot*

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