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((15 people read this and like promised, I am continuing.

Date ended on: 5/11/15 ))

The next day, the two just stayed in bed, cuddling as the sun raised in the sky and time went on. Leon stayed as loving as he did before they had sex, which some guys do when they only want sex. Emil slept for a while before waking up to his boyfriend smiling slightly at him. To Emil, that was the best way to wake up. Now was the wait to see if Emil had gotten pregnant. It was nerve racking for Emil.

He was also sore from the pervious nights activity. But it wasn't that bad. "Hey, Emil." Leon said, the time now being seven. Emil looked up at Leon. "Yes?" He asked. "Let go out to the movies." He suggested. He had some plans in mind. Emil thought for a moment, not knowing of the plans Leon had made. "That sound lovely." He said softly. Leon smiled, then the two of them got up to get changed so they can go to the movies together. The two got dressed and headed out.

They decided on a romantic movie from the countless movies playing. Leon paid for the tickets, a little box in his pocket. They walked into the movie, Leon with a light smile played on his lips. He was happy that he knew Emil loves him so much. Plus, both of them don't want to leave the other and both agree they should lock the doors to the house more often. They looked through the little crowd of couples, but only one pair stood out to Emil and Leon. Lukas and his boyfriend, Matthias, were here as well.

Leon knew just how much Emil didn't want to be near his brother, Leon didn't even want to be near his own and not to mention the other two a well. Leon lead the way to a pair of seats away from the others as possible. Emil smiled softly and kissed his cheek after they had both been seated. Honestly, neither Emil and Leon, would have thought Matthias and Lukas would be at the movies, let alone a romantic movie. Oh well, Leon has plans and won't let Emil's bother get in the way. He was going to do this either way.

At the moment, nothing but advertisement was being played. "I'll be right back Leon." Emil said softly and got up to use the bathroom before the movie. It's best to go now then during the movie. Emil left the playing room and headed to the bathroom, while he was away, Matthias also got up. Leon didn't mind it that much because he could be getting up to get a soda or something to eat. Matthias was, indeed, heading to the bathroom. Matthias walked into the bathroom near by as he hummed.

((Matthias POV... ish...))

Matthias smiled as he thought as he headed to the bathroom. He was happy he got Lukas to agree on coming to the movies for a date. Nothing more romantic then a romantic movie! Well, at least to him it is. Lukas is quiet most of the time and it's actually nice for him to be taken out for a date. Whether it is a movie or not. Matthias pushed the door to the bathroom opened and saw Lukas's younger brother, Emil. Matthias smiled brightly and walked over to the smaller male. "Hey Emil!!" He said happily. Emil jumped lightly, splashing some of the water he was using to wash his hands with on the mirror and looking at the other.

He sighed, knowing that Matthias or Lukas would have found him or Leon some how. "What?" He asked and finished washing his hands. "I didn't know you were here today? How is Leon?" He asked, actually being nice and not annoying. "We decided to come and he is fine." Emil replied. Matthias smiled and nodded. "Give me a minute and I'll be right back." He said and went to do his business.

Email wasn't sure if he should just leave or actually wait for Matthias. The Dane isn't his boyfriend so why should he wait? Emil decided to be a good guy and wait for the loud Danish man to finish. It didn't take long for the other to come out and wash his hands, drying them off. "How has everything been?" Matthias asked, smiling at Emil. "It's been fine." Emil answered. The two headed back to the movie room and Matthias pretty much dragged Emil over to Lukas. "Look what I found." He said.

Lukas looked over and saw his little brother. "What are you doing here?" Lukas asked. Emil just shrugged. "On a date with Leon. Now I'm leaving." He walked back over to Leon and sat next to him. The movie soon started, Lukas glancing over at Emil and Leon every so often to see how they were doing.

Leon kept his arm around Emil gently as the movie played. It was a nice movie. It ended about an hour and a half later and the couple went to the entrance. Now, Leon wasn't one to really care about who thought what of him, so he just went for whatever was on his mind. That was until Emil came along. And now they were starting to try to have a family together. He didn't want to waste anytime with this.

Leon stopped Emil in the lobby, which Emil was confused about. This had Leon's nerves all worked up. Lukas was watching them like a hawk. But Leon went on and placed a kiss on Emil's lips before he looked into his eyes after braking the kiss. Leon had a small blush as he pulled a small velvet box out of his pocket and got on one knee in front of Emil, not caring that Lukas was coming over to them to put a 'spacer' in between them.

"Emil, will you marry me?" Leon asked and opened the box to show a engagement ring that was silver. Emil was speechless. He honestly forgot how to talk for a moment. He didn't expect anything like this, he expected a nice movie then heading home. Emil started to tear up and nodded. He felt really special since his amazing boyfriend wants to be with him enough to marry him. Leon smiled and he took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto Emil's ring finger. Lukas was stunned.

His baby brother is going to get married. And before him too. Matthias pouted. 'He stole my idea!' Matthias thought. He would have to save it for some other time then. Emil and Leon hugged and shared a kiss. The people in the lobby clapped for the two, expect a few people who made a face and went to their movie.

Lukas walked over to them and smiled. "Congratulations." He said and hugged Emil. After a moment of talking, both couples went home.

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