Birthday cake and wedding cake

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((Long chapter))

Weeks had pasted by and it was clear that Emil was not pregnant at all. Not even the slightest. But that still didn't get Leon to stop trying to get Emil in bed with him after successful dates and stuff. Which usually worked pretty well. They kept the doors locked whenever they were home and Yao was seen a lot less. Leon would take Emil out on dates at least every other week, and to be honest, Emil liked it. It was nice and they were always romantic. Movies, picnics, dinner out, sneaking off, car rides. It was always fun and romantic. And during their 'fun time' Leon was always so careful and so loving. So amazing. It made Emil question if he really was Leon's first.

Of coarse, there were moments were even Leon was timid at and Emil would just love it because Leon would blush and it made him look adorable!!!! But, yeah. The condoms that were thrown at them weeks ago by Yao were never touched besides to put them in the trash.

After about three months of this, Leon and Emil started to plan out the whole wedding. Leon's brothers and sister was really happy for Leon getting married, and so was Emil's brother. Emil and Leon had a wedding planner as well to help them out. They were going to get married on Leon's birthday. July 1st. Since July wasn't for another 8 months. But the wedding would be a birthday present for the both of them, Emil's birthday being June 17th and he refused to have it exactly on his birthday. They planned everything out, not much arguments either. Just one about the location. Leon wanted it to be on a beach, and Emil wanted it to be in a church. They settled on the beach when Leon used his super puppy eyes on Emil and nuzzled him just like a puppy would to get what it want.

Who could say no then?! Heartless people. That's who. Now, it was Emil's birthday. Less then a month away from the wedding. Leon was taking Emil out to a really nice restaurant for a birthday dinner. But Emil just wanted to stay home and skip the dinner and just have dessert (you know exactly what that means). But he would just have to get threw dinner for his present. So, they got ready and went out for dinner. It was a really nice restaurant that Leon had to get a reservation just for a table months ago. Emil actually enjoyed his time out with Leon.

Leon was a flirt the whole time, Emil had some liquor. He is a grown man, let him drink once in awhile. La damn. (Sorry XD I had to)

The end of the night was amazing too, Leon and Emil went back to the car and headed home, Leon having a very small amount of liquor through out the night. Emil wasn't drunk, but he wasn't sober either.

---- ---- ---- ----

"Babe, I love you so much." Emil said to Leon, smiling softly and his cheek a light tent of pink. Leon smiled. "I love you to." He said back. Emil smiled and stay in the seat, soon they were back home and heading into the house. But they needed to unlock the door before they could enter. Emil wrapped his arms around Leon from behind. "Thank you for dinner." Emil said. "But I didn't want to go out tonight." Leon glanced over his shoulder. "Oh really?" He asked. Emil replied with a nod, his head leaning against Leon. "I wanted to skip dinner and go straight to dessert." Emil said before he stood on the tip of his toes.

He started to leave kisses on Leon's neck as best the shorter male could. And it seemed to work on Leon too. He fumbled a little bit with the keys. "W-we can have dessert now," Leon stuttered out. It took a few minutes, but Leon finally got the house key and unlocked the door before Emil smirked softly and moved to walk in before Leon, and pull him by the tie to get him into the house. After the door was shut, Emil wasted no time connecting their lips together in a deep kiss. Leon was so not use to Emil taking control and starting this. It was usually always him who starts it!!!

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