Baby on the way!

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It was now four months after Emil and Leon became a married couple. Emil was having mood swings, cravings, and morning sickness. Leon would go out at mid night and get Emil whatever he was craving. It was a lot of Chinese food and salmon and licorice. Leon took over most of the household chores. Both of them still went to work, even though Emil had to take small breaks due to morning sickness and such. His employer didn't mind though. She knew what it was like.

Leon was working a bit later to start making money for the baby, even though they had already saved more then enough money to care for four babies and they were only expecting one.

Well, today, Emil stayed home because he felt horrible. He felt sick and hot and just didn't want to move off of the couch. He called into work sick. And not morning sick. He rubbed his belly softly, where a small baby bump was starting to form. Leon made Emil a little breakfast before he went to work. So, Emil stayed on the couch all day. Not moving from the spot at all unless he was hungry or had to vomit. He took a lot of naps in between tv shows that he actually liked. He felt just miserable without Leon there with him. But after Leon was done with work, he hurried home to his sick husband and cuddled on the couch with him for the rest of the night.

The months seemed to fly by, Emil soon entered the forth term of the pregnancy, nine months and ready to give birth at any moment. Emil was always wearing a big hoodie or something to cover his swollen belly. He thought it was too big. It was almost the size of a beach ball for crying out loud!!! Leon would cuddle with Emil and try to make him feel less insecure about the baby belly. But the hormonal issues had died down a bit and Emil didn't have mood swings as often anymore. And his cravings stopped. Today, Emil and Leon were cuddling on the couch.

Emil held a bowel of popcorn that they both were eating from. They watched some movie that was just playing and they both wanted to watch it. It was actually really comfortable. They were covered in a blanket, relaxing on the couch and not bothering with anything. There was nothing else to do. Dishes had been done, laundry had been wash, dried, and folded, the floors had been swept and vacuumed, bathroom had been cleaned, kitchen had been cleaned, their bedroom had been cleaned as well. They even had the baby's room part way up. They didn't know the gender so they didn't want to get a pink crib but have a boy. Or get a blue crib and have a girl.

So, they took the time to just relax and enjoy each others presents. Emil was leaning against Leon, almost asleep with how comfortable he was. But, one thing kept him from falling asleep. Suddenly, Emil felt a sudden pain shock threw him and the blanket became soaked. "L-l-Leon. My water just broke." Emil stuttered out. Leon looked down at him. "Are you sure?" He asked. Emil nodded and gasped as a contraction went threw him. Leon hurriedly got up and he got the over night bags and then picked up Emil before he carried him to the car. Leon hurried Emil to the hospital, trying not to get pulled over on the way there.

He called into the hospital so they knew that him and Emil would be there soon. As soon as they got to the hospital, several nurses and doctors came and helped Emil out of the car and into a wheel chair before bringing him inside. Leon didn't leave Emil's side the whole time Emil was in labor. But, they surely were given a surprise. Instead of just one baby, they received three babies. Emil knew his belly was too big just for one!!! But no one listened to him!!!

Leon jumped with joy. They now had two beautiful daughters and a handsome little boy. By the time Emil gave birth to them all, everyone had arrived at the hospital. Tino, Berwald, Matthias, Lukas, Yao, Kiku, Im Yong, even Leon's sister who was way too clingy to Leon. Emil literally gave her a death glare that just screamed 'don't you dare cling to my man, I just gave birth to his three babies and I will kill a mother fucker if I need to'. Needless to say, Leon's sister didn't cling to Leon after seeing Emil's expression.

And guess who all were the first to hold the babies that were just brought into the world. Lukas, Leon, and Tino. Emil was exhausted, struggling to keep himself awake. So, he was scared that he would accidentally drop one of them and then they will end up having only two babies and just the thought of loosing one made Emil get emotional. So, Lukas held his baby nephew. Leon held one of his daughters. Tino held the other baby girl that he already just adored and wanted to spoil. Matthias wanted to hold one, but Lukas told him no because the Dane was too hyper to hold a baby.

Yao was next to hold one of the babies after Lukas had to take Matthias into the hallway and scold him about getting loud when his little brother and his nieces and nephew were so tired and just wanted peace and quiet so they all could sleep! Yao was almost in tears. He was finally an uncle!!! Soon everyone had held one of the babies or two or all of them. Leon, Lukas, Berwald, Tino, Yao, and Kiku being the ones to hold all three of the new babies. Matthias, Leon's sister, and Im Yong weren't allowed. Soon, everyone left except for Leon. All three babies were firmly wrapped up and placed in separate cribs.

Emil was close to falling asleep after almost two days of labor. He didn't want a c-section or meds to help him give birth. He wanted a natural birth with only meds to help the pain. Leon looked over at Emil softly. "We need to give them names." Leon said softly. Emil nodded very softly, almost unnoticeable. "Yea..."

Leon smiled softly. "I really want to name one of the girls with a traditional name from my culture." Emil said softly. Leon nodded. "And the other from my culture?" Emil smiled and nodded. "Then what should we name our baby boy?" He asked softly. "How about Abigael?" Leon smiled and nodded. "And Qiuyue?" Emil smiled and nodded. "Now we need a boy name."
"How about Gabriel?" Leon asked gently. He actually liked that name. Emil smiled softly and nodded. Leon smiled and grabbed the birth certificates before he started to fill out the names for each baby. Abigael was the smallest baby girl. Soon, Emil was asleep, and there was no sign that he would be awake any time soon.

Leon stayed and fell asleep with his husband and daughters and son. Now, for those cribs... And the house.

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