Moving in

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Over the coarse of a few days, Emil had gotten everything over to the new house. Emil was happy about the new house, smiling brightly and happy and just couldn't stop smiling as he set items down in rooms, making three bedrooms for the kids. Leon started to get everything unpacked in the kids' room first. He started with the cribs and such. They got some help from Matthias and Berwald while Lukas and Tino kept the little ones busy with playing and such. And Tino spoiled them whenever he was around.

Even some friends helped Emil and Leon move into the new house and get everything set up, mainly so the kids could have a good night's rest. So beds were put up and everything was unpacked. It took a bit of time, but it was nice. Emil worked in Qiuyue's room while Leon worked in Gabriel's room and Berwald unpacked Abigael's room. They got the rooms set up and then Emil and Leon worked in their room, which was cross the house so when they had their 'fun' they didn't have to be as quiet. Anyways, the bed rooms were unpacked by the end of the day and everyone left for the day besides the family that was moving in. Emil held his baby girls and Leon held onto their baby boy.

The rest of the evening was quiet, Emil made the kids their baby food and Leon order some take out for them to eat. They hadn't unpacked the kitchen yet. That was for tomorrow. Emil and Leon waited for their food while they fed the triplets. The triplets were fed before the take out was at the door. Emil went and laid the kids down while Leon paid for the food and then brought it in and set it down so him and Emil could eat. Emil came back and smiled happily as him and Leon started to eat. Of coarse, they were having Chinese food since Leon just loved dumplings. Emil didn't mind though.

They happily ate dinner and then went to bed, cuddling each other happily. Emil was asleep before Leon, mainly because Leon was staying up a bit longer to see if he could hear any of the babies threw the baby monitors that had. Yes. They have three of those now. Each one was labeled with the baby's name so they could tell which one was crying or upset or whatever and they wouldn't spend an extra two or three seconds trying to figure out which one is crying. But after a few moments, Leon fell asleep as well and stayed cuddled with Emil threw the night. This was the perfect home for the family. The perfect home for a large family. The perfect forever home.

((Sorry for the short chapter today. I had practice for JROTC Armed Drill and I'm tried. But I will be writing when I have free time.


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