Finding a forever home

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The time seemed to fly and Leon still couldn't find a home that would be the best for their family. There was suddenly five of them!!! Two girls and three boys!! How would his baby girls deal with sharing a room with their brother?!?! How would they grow up with three of them in a small bedroom?! Yeah, they needed their own rooms and their own space and their own everything really. So, Leon continued his hunt for the perfect house. Emil helped him when he finally came home from the hospital. Emil also had to be a full time protector of three tiny beings that were now living with him and Leon.

So, he helped look when he could. One night, they were just laying in bed, the triplets were sound asleep and Emil was watching tv, well it was more like he was trying not to fall asleep because the kids had tired him out completely and he really wanted to finish the episode and he was bouncing his foot off the side of the bed to seem like the triplets were in a rocker.

Leon was coming back home from work for the day, it was only about five in the evening and look what the triplets did to him. Leon came into the bed room and saw the adorableness. "Aw." He said softly, making sure not to wake the triplets. Emil looked at him softly and gave a tired smile. "Hey." He said softly to Leon. Leon smiled and walked over to Emil, giving him a kiss on the lips. "How was your day?" Leon asked him softly. Emil sighed softly. "Long and tiring, but I manage to get them to go to sleep. How was your day?" He asked softly. "Long and full of stress." He said and gently sat down on the bed.

Emil nodded softly. "What do you want for dinner? I can make something." He said gently. Leon shook his head. "You're staying here while I make dinner." Emil nodded and smiled. "Then go ahead and make that spaghetti you promised me." Leon chuckled softly and smiled, nodding gently. "Alright, it'll be done soon." He said before he left the room and going into the kitchen and starting to make their dinner for the night. Emil watched over the kids, smiling softly as they slept. It didn't take very long before Leon finished making their dinner and brought a bowel to Emil and they both watched over the three babies.

Leon got on his phone after a bit to continue the look for the perfect house. Emil ended up falling asleep along with the triplets. So, Leon didn't get help tonight. He left Emil to sleep since the triplets were a handful, or three hand fulls. Leon looked online for awhile, but all in vain. He ended up falling asleep with his family, and waking up along with Emil when the three decided it was time to eat and get changed and be burped. Emil seemed to know off the bat what they wanted or needed. Leon, on the other hand, needs some practice.

So, Qiuyue, Abigael, and Gabriel was fed, changed, burped, and cleaned up before they settled down again and Emil put them in their cribs before heading back to bed. Leon sighed gently. "You're like a super mom or something." He commented when Emil came back to the room. "It's been four months, Leon, you should be like a super dad or something by now." He said and smiled, walking over and loosely wrapping his arms around Leon's neck as Leon looked up at Emil from where he sat on the bed. "Hey, I get busy with house hunting." Emil chuckled softly and leaned down. "Maybe, instead of looking for a house this weekend, you and the triplets can go to the park and get some bonding."

"And where will you be?"
"Asleep." Emil quickly replied. "I'll be getting some well deserved rest. I love them and all, but I need some sleep too." Leon nodded softly and wrapped his arms around Emil's waist softly. "Alright. Now, before they wake up again, let's get some sleep." Emil smiled. "Sounds like a plan." He said and quickly got into bed again, and they two cuddled happily before falling into a light sleep. Well, Leon was a heavy sleeper and Emil always was he one to wake up from the kids crying in the other room.
---- ---- ---- ----

The weekend came up and it was Saturday now, Leon was all set to go to the park with the triplets, the baby pusher (idk what they are called. Those things people push around instead of holding the baby in their arms and it can hold stuff in the back, you know what I'm talking about <(•3•)>) and everything was packed incase of anything really. Emil had packed the bags. So there were baby wipes, pacifiers, bottles, almost everything. Even some baby toys! Leon smiled and kissed Emil on the head softly. "Get some rest, babe." He said. Emil nodded softly. "Don't loose any of them. If you do, you'll have to deal with momma bear." Emil said, he liked to call himself momma bear. And no, it's not because he can turn into a overly protective 'mother' when his babies are in somewhat distress.

He just liked to call himself that. Emil smiled and waved them bye before he went and got comfortable on the bed. He was out before Leon even left the block they live on.

Leon took the three out to the park, letting them look at literally anything that flew or ran or jogged into their view. It was such a nice day out too. So, many people were out and were jogging or running or playing on the play ground. Gabriel seemed to light up at seeing the other kids play on the play ground. "Maybe one day you'll be able to play on that." Leon said and chuckled softly. Many people stopped and commented on how cute the three are. And even some girls trying to flirt with Leon because they thought he was a single dad. Well,

Leon would mess with his wedding band that was on his ring finger and the girls seemed to notice it and back down. Oh dang!!! He is taken!!!

They spent a few hours there, enjoying the weather and everything, Leon enjoyed that the triplets seemed to like being outside and there really wasn't any need for a clean up besides having to change their diapers at one point. But that was an easy fix for Leon. They returned home after awhile, they left the house around noon and didn't return home till around six when it was starting to get dark. So, Leon was bringing them in and they were ready to sleep, or they were asleep. Leon put them to bed and then he fixed dinner for Emil and himself. Emil was still asleep, so Leon didn't wake him up until dinner was made.

Emil enjoyed the long nap he got and he liked when Leon cooked for him. It meant a lot to Emil. "How were the kids?" He asked Leon, eating what was made for dinner. Leon smiled a little bit. "They were angels." He said softly. "No trouble at all." He smiled at him. "Though, I think they like it better at home with you." Emil rolled his eyes. "That must be why they always stare out the window and at the doors, right?" Leon chuckled. "They are just curious." Emil hummed a little bit. "Sure."

Leon smiled and took Emil's unfinished plate. "Hey, I'm not done." Emil protested. He hadn't ate anything all day, so of coarse he would protest with his dinner being taken when he wasn't done. Leon smirked a little bit and he leaned over, since the two were eating dinner on the couch. "I thought you would want something sweet though~" Leon purred and Emil blushed a little bit. "Maybe after dinner." He said and got his plate back.

Emil smiled and he happily ate dinner, enjoying eating his dinner and teasing Leon. Of coarse, Emil loves sweets and Leon was more then sweet enough. Emil and Leon cleaned up before Leon picked up Emil, not wanting him to get away. Emil squeaked a little bit and blushed. Well, looks like he won't be getting away anytime soon. Emil was carried into their bedroom, then put down on the bed before Leon connected their lips together. It had been almost seven months since they last did anything. Leon was getting impatient now. Emil chuckled softly, which caused Leon to pause and look down at Emil. "What?" Leon asked. Emil moved snd sat up. "You think I'll give you a treat? You haven't found our dream home. Good night." Emil said and moved, getting out from under Leon and getting into bed to fall asleep. Leon pouted a little bit. Damn. He has to wait longer now.

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