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requested by: no one because i wanted to write it DHCHDHDEC real


WARNINGS: smut ( obviously )




2B was standing at the front door, waiting for someone.

This struck Y/N as odd, given that 2B rarely leaves his office, especially this early in the morning.

" Hey, 2B, are you waiting for someone? " Y/N queried, her head slightly tilted to the side.

" Actually, yes." He crossed his arms and turned to face her. "My 'friend' skinner will be here soon. which explains why a room has already been cleared out. "

'Skinner... how come that name sounds so familiar?-' Y/N's thoughts were interrupted when she noticed the entrance door open.


I've never seen Y/N's face light up like that before.

As she approached Skinner, who had already dropped his things on the floor next to him, her hands began to shake from disbelief and excitement.

She drew him into a tight embrace, which he gladly returned.

" Y/N?? I haven't seen you in a long time!" Skinner murmured as he drew her in closer. Y/N began dragging him to his room, which was already set up alongside hers. I glance off in the distance where they went, my arms still crossed.

'Did they know one another? She never mentioned it to me.'


2B doesn't get envious easily, or so he told himself.

2B let out a loud scoff, Before stepping back into his office.

time skip to a bit later at night.


SMUT BEGINS HERE (... laughs nervously)


2B had just remembered that he had forgotten to inform Skinner that he and 2B were going on a mission to stock up on medical supplies.

2B rose from his desk and made his way to the skinners' room, lightly knocking on it. 

'Huh...strange,' he thought as he opened the door, but Skinner was nowhere to be seen. 2B entered Skinner's room, regretting his live decisions.

A few moments had passed. 2B stood there silently. shaken, as he heard skin slapping and muffled moans coming from Y/N's room.

He quietly made his way to Y/N's door and peered inside. His eyes(?) widened at the sight.


I sat at the edge of Y/N's bed, pinning her hands behind her back and roughly making her bounce up and down my length.

"..nehhhmn... you like that, don'tcha Y/N? " I teased before leaning my head back. My attention was drawn to the door when I noticed a flustered 'doctor' squeezing the door frame.

A wide grin appeared on my face, making Y/N bounce quicker. Her sweet lips released a long pleasurable moan and a tiny gasp, her eyes welling up with tears.

Doc hurriedly slid out the door. I chuckled to myself, burying my face back into Y/N's neck.

sigh... this was going to be a long night..


now to write more..

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