authors note

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As you read in the description, this is a rewrite of a story that's still published on my page, if you want to go read what's there, feel free to. However, you should know that the first version (the one I'm basing my rewrite off of obvi) isn't even close to being finished, so I'm literally only rewriting what's there so far.

What I've learned so far from the rewriting process, is that by reorganizing the order in which I put information and certain scenes, I can make it so much longer as well as so better quality writing, so this version may be more enjoyable to read.

Alright. If you're coming from the first version, raise your hands. You guys might find this version more interesting because of all of the improvements I plan to make to the way this story is written. I also just wanted to tell you that some of the little details that were in that version are slightly tweaked or maybe even completely taken out. But if you notice a change that I made that you liked better in the first version please let me know.

I made the book cover but I did use someone else's art as a key part of it, and I made sure to keep their watermark/ signature in the image. Let me know if you think that's still stealing their art bc I have no idea, I have another book cover design in case I have to take the current one down.

Okay, that's all I can think to inform y'all about. Have a wonderful rest of your day or night or noon.

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