Chapter 14 (S3)

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[Y/n, Gumball and Darwin are shown sitting together on the school bus, heading home]

Gumball: [To Darwin] What's your best dance move?

[Darwin does his best dance move, sliding from side to side in his seat]

Darwin: What's yours? [looks to Y/n]

Y/n: Moonwalk, though I can't really do it from here. [looks at Gumball] How 'bout you?

Gumball: Cossack dance, but there's a problem with it.

Y/n: What?

[Gumball gets off of his seat, and dances. He repeatedly kicks himself in the face as he does so]

Gumball: My torso's too short.

[They laugh. Gumball goes back to his seat]

Darwin: What's your best face?

[Gumball does his best face. He pulls his eyes (literally) forward]

Gumball: What's yours? [Y/n thinks]

Y/n: [flicks an eyepatch upwards with a smile] Bleh!

Darwin: Dude, you still have an eye there.

Gumball: And where did you even get that? [shakes head] Anyway, Darwin?

[Darwin makes an old man face. They laugh again. The bus stops, and Penny gets off]

Penny: Thanks!

[Gumball sees Penny, and they stare at each other affectionately]

Darwin: [Off-screen] And what's your best party trick?

[Gumball sticks his finger into a nostril and it comes out through his ear. He wiggles it around, flapping his ear in the process. Penny giggles and walks off]

Gumball: [Nasally] Oh, by the way. [Normal voice] There's something very personal I wanted to ask you. If you had to do something really, really special for someone really, really important, what would be the best place ever?

Y/n; Hmm, that's a hard choice.

Darwin: [Inhales deeply] It would be a log cabin.

Gumball: Yes! By a blue lake.

[They squeal like girls]

Gumball: And there would be fireflies!

Darwin: And mason jars!

[They squeal again]

Gumball: What else?

Darwin: A fireplace!

Gumball: A bearskin rug!

Darwin: A chocolate fountain!

Gumball: And R&B music!

Y/n: [ponders] Have you thought about this for a while...

[They squeal with a very high pitch, so high that their squealing destroys the windows of the nearby cars that the bus passes by. They start dancing slowly and imitating R&B music. Tobias and Banana Joe stare at them, disturbed. Gumball and Darwin notice, and stop dancing by rewinding their moves]

Gumball: So, who would you invite?

Darwin: Never you mind!

Gumball: Oh, come on! Tell me!

Darwin: [Blushes] No, you first!

Gumball: Oh, fine. [Sing-song voice] But you gotta say yours at the same time.

Y/n: If you invite me, I'm not going.

Gumball: Well, that takes away one. On three. One. Two. Three.

Gumball: Penny!

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