Chapter 5

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Everything what I planned happened. I caught Meghan during the lunch and told her news. I texted to Elliott about my need to have a video call with him today and he promised to stay up longer. I hurried from last class to manage it. When I connected Elliott already has been there.

„Hi babe," he greeted me.

„Hi," I waved back happy to see him.

„How are you lovey?" he asked.

„I wish it would be the end of year to have you here," I admitted.

„I know. It's hard for me to see you and can't touch you," he sighed. „Only pixels on my screen."

We have been like this for a while and then I interrupted silence: „What's new?"

„I think your dad miss you too. I heard him talk about you. He sounds so proud and sad."

„I should call him. Sottish time shift. I had no idea it will be so hard to be here without you."

„Don't worry babe. It will end once. Tell me what is new with you?"

„Hmm. I started well... I had first softball drill. Girls from team are really great. We hang out last night and today I'm going to run with them. That is more fun to have them around."

„It seems you made new friends," he cheered up. „What about Meghan?"

Meghan is only person I mentioned Elliott before.

„She has been with us yesterday, but I didn't speak with her really. She's just solving her study assigments and we have some of lectures together and assigments too. I have a drill tommorow again so we agreed to work on it on Saturday."

„Sounds like real students life to study on Saturday," he smirked.

„I would say so," I laughed. „Tell me about your life."

„Actually there is one news I'm engaged in," he stated.

„What is it?" I heard little tension in his voice.

„I visited job exchange – the opportunity to meet potential employers and I got a offer to participate on one project with president of Safer virtual society," he started.

„Safer virtual society? I have never heard about that."

„It's start up which is trying to provide for safer society in virtual world. Crucial part of their job is developing programs which would protect internet users from people who abuse their data for their own benefit. They cooperate with many young people on many different projects."

„A lot of people works on that," I reminded him. „What would you do for them?"

„Peer counselling and education for high school students including lectures, spreading free apps among students and so on. Something what I always wanted to do. What do you think about it?"

Elliott looks always excited when he speaks about IT but I have understood barely half of things he told me. I couldn't express my thoughts about something I didn't understand.

„You look so enthusiastic that I don't doubt you should try it," I winked at him.

„Thank you lovey. I'll think more about it. I think it could be my big chance for to get perfect practise in work with various protect systems," his eyes were glowing.

He told me more about it and of course I didn't understand properly. Then we spoke about our families until it was time to sleep for Elliott.

„Good luck baby," I blew him imaginary kiss.

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