Chapter Eleven

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'Lieutenant Reid, Major Hawcroft needs to see you.' After my so-called heroics at the second to last mission, everyone has been a bit more respectful. As in, I haven't had to worry about hazing or any of that shit.

The asset raises her eyebrows but doesn't react more than that. Since that night, she's been restrained to the bed frame by a thin cord that's tied around her ankle. Even medicated, they feel that it's necessary. And I'm not going to argue with 'they'.

'Coming, Sergeant.'

'Good. I'm to watch the freak while you're there.'

Right. Respectful towards me. Some things haven't changed. And definitely not since she tried and almost killed the CO.

In the office, it's not just the Major there. I salute him first though and he returns it, before greeting the civilian liaison.

'Ma'am.' Marion Hardcastle has dropped by for a visit. She has a smile on her face but it's not one to warm the heart.

'Lieutenant Reid. Let me get right to the point. I've read Major Hawcroft's report of the incident. Your fast actions prevented his death.'

'There were a few of us involved in subduing the asset, ma'am.'

'Oh, yes, team effort and all that. But if it wasn't for you, things would be looking very differently. I've spoken to the relevant personnel and to your CO. They're in agreement, you will be returned to your former rank.'

I pause a moment so my voice comes less shaky than it otherwise would have. 'Thank you, ma'am.'

'Think nothing of it. But you proved me right in choosing you for this operation. Major Hawcroft. I'll drop in on the asset for a moment. Captain, you can escort me there.'

'Of course, Ma'am. Sir.'


Outside, Ms Hardcastle matches my speed and we arrive at the tent. The Sergeant was clearly levelling insults before we entered, she has turned away from the entrance and every muscle is tight.

'Sergeant. How is the asset today?'

'Fine, Ma'am.' He quickly salutes and she nods.

'That's good to hear. Asset, is everything all right?'

No response.

'Your father has been in contact after contacting other government agencies. He wasn't pleased to hear my voice. He was actually quite rude to me.'


'Well, we have some more missions to complete in Europe. We'll speak again then.'

She walks out then, and the Sergeant doesn't linger, now that I'm back on duty.

There are a few minutes of silence before she breaks it. 'Fucking bitch.'

'Yeah. And you were right before.'

'The promotion?'


'You don't sound very pleased about it.' Matter of fact, but she sounds confused.

'I thought I was. But if I was going to get promoted for something, I'd rather it not be for that.'

'Ignoring what you were facing and what state I was in, you saved a life.'

'This place is messed up.'

'No argument here.'

'Before' - I pause, I realise I'm on dangerous ground but I soldier on - literally. 'It sounded like she knew your dad already.'

'She doesn't. She knew my grandmother. She likes to pretend she's an old family friend.'

'Did your grandmother ever talk about her?'

'No, she didn't.'

'Oh, okay.' Message received, not going there.

Some time goes by. She goes to the bathroom, comes back and lies back down on the bed.

'Where do you think we're going?'

'Probably won't be Paris.'


The two of us travel in our own small plane. She's strapped down to within an inch of her life, as per usual. But the privacy is nice for a change. I don't miss any of the guys in the unit and I'm sure she doesn't either.

I'm able to sleep, it's probably the best I've had for a while and she does as well. Though she still wakes up shrieking and screaming at times. It doesn't make me jump as much as it did before.

On arrival, it's a short wait before I'm met by the CO and the tents and base is set up.

'Any trouble?'

'No, sir.'

'Good. You can escort the asset to her tent.'

'Yes, sir.' He leaves for his new office.

The area is bordered by thick forest, we're based in a field and the grass is quite soft. There's a soft breeze in the air.

I knew security was tight, but I would have liked to know where we are. I go back inside, part of being promoted means I have the keys for her restraints and I help her out of the seat and out of the plane. She looks around, trying to get her bearings.

'I don't think there are any streets near here, let alone street signs.'

'First mission we have, take note of any words you hear from the locals.'

There's a new tone in her voice that I haven't heard before. She's got a little fire back, as my nan would say.

'Are you sure?'

She looks at me as we walk to her tent. 'My dad is looking for me. He's not as smart as me. He might need some help.'

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