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When you first play SOD, you most likely heard from players who have started the game before some of its many updates, so I will disperse these misconceptions of how you start the game and the things that happen as you play it.

When you start, you will find yourself in a cave with Hiccup, after explaining that you got caught in a cave-in because you were rescuing dragons from a hunter encampment in that cave, hiccup sends you to find something to open a small dragon cage. You will find a hatchet, near the dragon cage, once you use it to chop open tha cage lock, a small pop-up comes up, giving you the choice between four dragons, the Monstrous Nightmare, the Deadly Nadder, The Hideous Zippleback, and the Gronkle, after you choose the dragon, you get to choose its color, gender, and name, then it bonds with you, and you and hiccup go to try and break out of the cave.

When you get to the cave-in, hiccup says your dragon is too small to blow up the obstructing rocks, so he gives you an adult age up, which immediately levels up your chosen dragon into level ten and turns it into an adult, once it is an adult, you have to tap the blockage and press the fire button at the bottom of your screen, blowing up the rocks.

When you get outside, hiccup asks you to gather 5 leaves to light a signal fire with, your dragon will help you in this task, bringing leaves to you. When all five leaves are collected, Hiccup lights the signal fire and toothless appears, you are then teleported into a flight range where hiccup gives you instructions, then tells you to fly through the floating rings. Once completed, you and your dragon follow Hiccup and Astrid and are greeted to a wonderful sight;

You have arrived at the School of Dragons.

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