How Not to Piss Off the Chat Filter

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Yes, you know what's coming, a chat filter. and not just a chat filter. the worst chat filter in flipping gaming history. these are the words you should avoid and how to cheat it.

words not to say

death (unless used in a dragon name, like whispering death)





any apostrophes 

hel (as in hel coutume, a season outfit it shouldn't have filtered)

and for a bonus, here's some ways to change your chat texts;

[b] = Bold Text

[u] = Underlined Text

[i] = Italicized Text

You can combine these, for example;

[u] [b] = Bold Underlined Text

There's also text color-change codes, like [11aaff] for blue text, I'll let you find out the rest ;)

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