Battle Events

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Battle events, the time where the most players gather and the main way to increasr your gem count There are two styles of battle, Regular/Roundabout Battling, and Sniper/Camp Battling. These are many tips I've gathered to share with the new players

Battle events begin once an hour, at roughly  [blank] o'clock depending on your time zone, there are three tiers of prizes, which one you get depends on amount of shots you got in, how fast you hit the ship, and whether you had to respawn. 

Different ships appear randomly, one per battle event. (there have been reports of glitches where two ships appear) one type is the outcast ships, bearing a helmet on their sail, always coming from the left, and give slightly worse prizes due to having less hp than the other type. That other type being Berserker ships, always coming in from the right and bearing a skrill on its sail. (like my profile pic, lol)

For Camp Battle

Snipers take names from a distance and do, some say, the most damage to the ship and taking the best rewards. (that has been disproven)

There are two 'refill stations' where regular battlers fly through to refill their shots before rejoining the fray. The snipers stay there and take advantage of the constant shot refills to pelt the ship with constant fire, the refill stations are located high up, one above the wooden walkway where you first spawn into the training grounds,

 The snipers stay there and take advantage of the constant shot refills to pelt the ship with constant fire, the refill stations are located high up, one above the wooden walkway where you first spawn into the training grounds,

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and the other on a seastack shaped like a backwards 'h' They also refill the hp of anyone who took damage during regular battling.

Depending on what kind of ship you attempt to snipe battle, there are two strategies, if it's a berserker ship, wait at the point where the battle event start with the regular battlers, empty your shot limit, and then fly to the refill station to ...

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Depending on what kind of ship you attempt to snipe battle, there are two strategies, if it's a berserker ship, wait at the point where the battle event start with the regular battlers, empty your shot limit, and then fly to the refill station to snipe, as the shots disappear before the ship gets in range for a small bit of time.

if it's an outcast ship, you can snipe right away without issue, as the ship is in range from the refill stations at any given time during the battle event.

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