Chapter Two

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The school day has ended and everyone gathered with their friends to discuss their after school plans. Some wanted to go eat while some wanted to karaoke or the arcade. Some of his classmates were in clubs that were meant for sports, hobbies, or interests.

Ena doesn't have a club to go to nor any friends to hang out with. When the school bell rings, he prefers to stay back in class and wait for evening to come. Ena stays by himself in an apartment so no one would be worried if he wasn't home. Instead, Ena waits for evening so he can go to his part-time job.

To pass the time, Ena takes out his novel and reads. Even though others may look at this as something boring, Ena loves the peace and quiet. Being engrossed in the story, he wouldn't even notice any of his classmates return when they forgot something.

With the passing of time, twilight came and this was Haru's signal to leave the school. He made his way to the shoe lockers to retrieve his shoes. Upon entering the area, he encountered a fellow student who he thought he would never encounter.

It was the Student Council President, Ami Yoko. Her long lavender hair flowed with elegance. Compared to Shina's hair which is about shoulder length, Yoko's hair length is almost close to her lower back. Even if she didn't smile, it seems like her ruby eyes will do it for her. Everyone refers to her as the goddess of the school.

"Ah? Leaving around this time too I see?"

"Ami-senpai. I didn't know you left school this late. It must be hard being the student council president."

"It is, but someone has to do it. On top of that I have to make sure all the clubs and committees are doing their due diligence as well."

"I see, but shouldn't your other officers help too?"

"They should, but it seems like some of them have some important matters to deal with and the others also have club activities."

"That's rough. If you need help, you can contact me if anything happens."

"Oh? That would be splendid! Ano, what was your name again?"

"Ah my apologies, I'm Ena Haru from class 2-C."

"Ena-kun huh. Let's exchange contacts then so I can contact you."

"S-sure..." The two of them exchange their contact information. When Yoko caught a glimpse of Haru's contact list, she noticed that she was the only one in there.

"Ena-kun, you don't have any friends?"

"No, I don't have any. Everyone treats me like garbage because of my appearance so no one approaches me."

"That's quite sad." Ena shakes his head and says, "On the contrary, it's quite peaceful. Besides, I don't have time to go out like the others."

"You don't have time to go out?"

"Yes, I have a part-time job."

"Eh~? You're only a 2nd year and you're already working? Especially a late night job? Are your grades depreciating because of your job?"

"No, my grades are fine."

"What about sleep? Are you sleeping well?"

"Yes I'm sleeping well."

"I see. That's a relief. If anything is troubling you, please let me know. I'll do what I can to help."

"Ehh, there's no need for that."

"But isn't it natural to help friends out?"

"Well, yes. Eh? Friends?"

"You and I are friends right, Ena-kun?"

Despised as a hideous nerd in school, but I'm an Ikeman at nightWhere stories live. Discover now