Shagging Waltzing and Closure

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rewritten- july 12 2023 

One of my favorite memories of summer in Cousins started with a song and ended with a boy. We were in the living room, all the kids. The boys were playing chess while Belly and I were trying to shag. Belly didn't want me to be her partner, she wanted Steven, cause he was 'better' or something. 

"Stevie, I need a partner," I remember her saying. 

"Yeah right." Steven laughed. 

"Come on man," I heard Conrad say. "I'll help May, and you'll help Belly." I don't know when Conrad liked me, but I knew he did at this moment. "Here," He said to me, "I'll show you," I remember my insides doing backflips and my cheeks turning red. 

"What about the game?" Jeremiah groaned as Steven and Conrad got up. When we were younger, Steven always did what Conrad did. What Conrad did was 'cool.' I think it was because Conrad was a year older than Steven, it was like looking up to an older brother. 

"Give us a sec," Conrad replied. "Alright." He whispered. "Copy me. One-two, one-two-three. Rock step..." The whole time he was smiling and looking at me, I was looking back. I could hear Belly and Steven's complaining in the distance but chose to ignore it. I started to get the hang of it. One-two, one-two-three. Rock step. When he said it, it sounded so easy 

"How'd you learn to shag?" I ask him, as we continued. 

"My mom." He replies. One-two, one-two-three. Rock step. 

His hand grabbed mine and I swear fireworks went off all over my body. Every touch, every look, every smile, every comment. Made my body explode. At every touch, I felt a spark. At every look, I felt my heart summersault. At every smile, I swear they were contagious. Every comment, made me feel like the only person in the room. When he pulled me closer, I wished I could stay there, with him, longer. 

That's what I was thinking about in Mrs. Covington's rehearsal dance on July 5th. As I had no partner,  Belly had managed to ask Cam on the Fourth. I guess she chose to stick with Cam Cameron after all, for how long, I didn't know. But I did know that  I was the only one in the room without a partner.  I pulled off my gloves and pulled out my phone I decided to text Conrad. After what happened last night, all my feelings came back. I decided to send him a good morning! with a sunshine emoji. I didn't want to screw this up, I wanted this to work. 

"Hey, May," Shayla smiles as she and Steven dance over to me. They made up, thank God, they are such a power couple. I just wish I could say the same about Devin and I. 

"Hey. I'm so sorry everything was such a mess yesterday." I reply "I really hope nothing was screwed up too bad." I look between her and Steven, with a hopeful glance. 

"It's ok, we're good." I sigh in relief. "But... I did get mad at him for not telling you about Devin. I know you kept his secret for him, and he didn't even think of telling you about what that shithead did." Shayla rolls her eyes at her mention of Devin. I give her a soft smile back. 

"Yeah, I apologize for that." Steven coughs out. I raise an eyebrow and let out a laugh. 

"Steven? Saying sorry?" Shayla chuckled as well and Steven let out a smirk. 

Before he could reply, Paige began to speak. "Attention everyone," Paige cleared her throat. "Please welcome our debutante waltz instructor, Ms. Covington." She was standing next to an old lady, with an interesting hair cut. "All the way from.." I stopped listening. 

That's until I heard Mrs. Convington say, "Get with your partners." oops. I looked around aimlessly until Nicole came up to me. 

"Hey. Where's your escort?" She asked. I grimace, I hate explaining this shit. 

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