I Just Need Him

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Girls aren't supposed to know if we're pretty or not. We're supposed to wait for other people to tell us before we're allowed to feel it about ourselves. But isn't that bullshit? Because everyone in this room, all the girls in the world, are beautiful. We're all beautiful. In our own ways. 

Tonight I had my hair middle parted with strands on both sides and a high bun on top. Shayla helped me with my makeup, and gorgeous was an understatement. Now, my dress. It had thin lacy straps, with a designed top with white swirls and flowers that curved in for my waist. The skirt part was the best. It was kind of like the top but had swirly lines, butterflies, and flowers embroidered. This was truly the dress of my dreams. 

I quickly grabbed my bouquet of roses and headed up the stairs like the rest of the girls. This is the moment I have been waiting for, my whole life.  And I would have Jeremiah Fisher on my arm. The line was going way to fast and soon enough, I was basically in the front. Once they called Gigi's name, I knew I was next. 

"You got this," Belly whispered from behind me. 

"Thanks, Bells," I say shakily. That's when I look across the stage to see my date, Jeremiah. My breath hitched. He was already looking at me. He looked so good in a suit. Most boys don't look good in a bowtie, they look kiddish. But not Jeremiah, it made him look even hotter. 

"May Conklin, daughter of John Conklin and Laurel Park." Paige begins over the microphone. Somehow I move my feet toward Jere. "A student at Chesterbrook High where she is the co-captain of the varsity volleyball team. She is also a member of the pep club and a member of the swim team."  Jeremiah and I finally reach each other in the middle. We link arms and face the crowd. 

"You're a goddess." He whispers in my ear, his lips touching it. I shiver before putting on a smile and whispering back. 

I chuckle, my laugh shaking. "If you say that to me again tonight I might throw up my insides, in a good way." I smile. 

Paige continues, "May also raised 5,000 dollars this summer for United Nations Population Funds Women's shelter." It felt so nice to hear that I contrubuted to something, that I changed the world. 

Making a prune face is not on my mind right now, I just want to smile. Jeremiah and I descend the short stairs. My grip tightened around his arm. We make it to our table which includes Susannah, my mom, my dad, Cleveland, and Conrad. I give my mom my bouquet and she quickly gets up for a hug. I make it back to my spot next to Jeremiah and curtsy to the table. 

"How was the curtsy?" I whisper to Jeremiah as Belly and Cam also make their way to our table. 

"The queen would be proud." He smiles, leaning in by my ear.

After Belly it was Shayla and Stevens's turn. Shayla looked absolutely stunning, but she always does. Jeremiah and I keep glancing at each other and smiling, it's like we can't stop. And every time we do I feel Conrad's eyes on us. Suddenly my mom runs out of the room. I look at Susannah confused, but Susannah looks confused too. "Where is she going?" I ask Jere, looking back at her. I look at Belly but she shrugs. 

"I don't know," Jeremiah replies, but he seemed curious to find out aswell. 

My dad then gets up to follow her. Then the introductions are done, and we all have to curtsy once more.  "Hey, I'll go after them, tell them to get back over here to watch the escort dance. Okay?" Jere says. I nod and he heads on after them. I couldn't help but worry if it was serious, or if Jeremiah would get caught up in it and not come back in time.

Jeremiah appears back on the stage and my parents are back in their seats, one second they were gone, and then they were there. Mom and dad looked unfazed, Jeremiah was the exact opposite.  Suddenly "I Like That" by Bazzi starts playing. "Oh my gosh." I giggle. The boys start descending the step in pairs. 

Jeremiah and Steven were paired up and it looked like they were having a deep conversation. It even took them a minute to get to their sides cause they were so deep in it. Did that have to do with my mom and dad leaving? 

The escort dance begins and it is so funny to watch already. They do some funny dance to meet in the middle as if they're reeling each other in. They then turn and do the same dance in a line. Everyone at the table is already laughing. Jeremiah and Steven are in front and center. The whole dance was too good, I swear my lungs almost gave out from all my laughing. For some reason, Jeremiah looked very out of it at the end. But I couldn't figure out why. 

 Jeremiah anc Cam came back to our table and everyone stood up to give them a hug, but before I knew it, it was time. It was about to start. This would be one of the most exciting moments this summer and I was so excited. But Jeremiah was nowhere in sight. 

My voice starts to shake now, It felt like everyone knew something except me now. "I-I don't know where Jeremiah is," I say to Susannah and my mom. 

"He'll be here in a minute I'm sure," Susannah replies.  I nod my head, still glancing around. I couldn't help but worry, if he would come back, if he was okay? 

"Go, get ready." My mom adds. So I get up and head to my spot on the floor. I started going around asking people if they'd seen him but everyone shook their heads. He was actually nowhere and the dance was about to start. I felt my whole body shaking, is he ok? 

Finally, Gigi had an answer, "I think I saw him go outside." I nod. I decided to wait to see if he'd come back. But now everyone had their partner, except me. 

Do you know that dream? Where your standing in front of a classroom naked and everyone was staring at you? That's what this felt like. But I didn't really care, I just wanted to find Jeremiah. Then, Conrad stood up and started walking toward me. No, no, no. He's the last thing I need right now. I shake my head at him and he looks at me confused. I run out of the room, Jeremiah. I have to find Jeremiah. 

The Summer She Turned PrettyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora