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Lilith sneered as she looked about the underground lab they set up. She wrinkled her nose, it smelled down there. She glances over at Barton who stands next to her and surveys the room as she leans against the wall. Loki was right about something for once, this mortal did have heart. She didn't need to invade his thoughts and memories as Loki did, she could just feel it. And with that feeling, she couldn't help but feel guilt at this normally strong-willed man, forced to submit to the likes of a whiny demi-god.

Shaking her head to rid the thought and file it away in her 'box of unnecessary things', she then looks to Loki and sees him snap his head to the side, almost as if someone slapped him.

Standing quickly, Loki starts yelling at his mind-controlled army to work faster. She smirked, he must have been scolded like a child by the Other. Snapping his head to Lilith he says, "What do you think you're doing?"

"Supervising," she responds simply and laughs internally at the look on his face. "They are already working quickly, you made sure of that when you took away their agency," she says shifting back against the wall.

He rolls his eyes once again and stalks throughout the room continuing to yell.

. . .

Lilith stands in the room as Selvig works around the tesseract. She found him amusing. He also impressed her that he still had a piece of his personality even through the brainwashing.

He and Barton start talking to each other and Lilith stares at the tesseract. Soon, she would be giving it to her father in another useless attempt to impress him. Even though she was always ordered to go on missions (way more than her sisters or the other Children of Thanos), when she completed them she got no reaction from him. Not even a nod of approval. Any form of affection he gave was always towards Gamora. No, the only reaction she ever got from him was if she failed. She shuddered at the thought. She can't fail this mission.

She's brought out of her thoughts as Loki approaches the room. Selvig greets him, "Hey! The Tesseract is showing me so much. It's more than just knowledge, it's... truth." Lilith's stomach twists as she sees how much his brain's been tampered with.

Loki just smirks, "I know. What did it show you, Agent Barton?" He shifts toward the man.

"My next target."

"Tell me what you need."

The agent stalks toward his bow and whips it out, "I need a distraction... And an eyeball."

Loki looks at Lilith and smirks. Showtime.

. . .

Loki and Lilith walk along the railing overlooking the event in the Stuttgart Museum. She's dressed in a green draping gown that matches Loki's scarf perfectly and compliments her blonde curls. They stop at the top of the staircase and he begrudgingly offers her his arm. She smirks wickedly and gives him a wink as she grabs his arm and they begin their dramatic entrance down the stairs.

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