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Lilith sat up as she watched the red-headed agent walk up to Loki's cell without alerting him. Impressive.

Suddenly there's a knock at her door and she smirks. Interview time. She knew she had an advantage in this situation. They knew lots about Loki, but her? They knew nothing.

The door opens to reveal the soldier. She had kind of hoped that it would be him. He intrigues her. She somehow knows him. His attitude is also interesting to her. Very moral.

He stands stiffly by the doorway. "I'd offer you a seat, but," she looks around. "I haven't had the chance to decorate or properly furnish yet."

"I'm Steve Rogers," he offers.

"Hi Steve Rogers," she says.

He sighs, apparently she wasn't going to make this easy, "You gonna tell me your name?"

She studies him. Finally, she assesses that it couldn't hurt, "Lilith."

"Lilith, nice to meet you."

"I'd disagree with that."

He sighs again. She smirked, this was fun.

"Why are you here?"

"Well, you and your team so kindly took me and my charge against our will and brought us here."

"Your charge? Is he your responsibility somehow?" Steve pushed.

She narrowed her eyes at him and then glanced at Loki through her window. The redhead and he seemed to be in a very intense conversation.

He pushed more, "Why are you working with him? Why do you want to take over Earth?"

She snapped her eyes back to him and furrowed her brows, "I don't." She pauses, "That's his goal. His mission."

"And what's yours?" he leans forward and his genuineness shows through.

She watches him but stays quiet. Her eyes drift once again to Loki when she hears a faint thump. Loki was standing over the agent, grinning maliciously. Her eyes harden. He's unnecessarily cruel.

Steve watches her reaction to Loki terrorizing Natasha. His brows furrow in confusion. She seemed to absolutely hate him and his methods, and yet she continues to work with him. He wondered if she was stuck. And he wondered how little she was aware of it if she was.

Lilith watches as the redhead suddenly straightens and seems at ease; the complete opposite of her previous position. She says something to him before walking away and speaking into her earpiece. Loki is left completely bewildered, conjuring a laugh out of Lilith. "She's smart. I like her," she says before looking back to Steve.

His brows furrow once again in response to her. Truly an enigma. Someone tells him to come back through his earpiece and he touches it absentmindedly as he listens.

When he looks back at her she says, "Bye Steve. It was nice to meet you."

. . .

Lilith was honestly kind of enjoying the quiet time she was getting. She couldn't really remember the last time she just sat and did nothing. Well, except exchange obscene faces and glares with Loki.

She was humming a song that she always knew, it was as if it was written in her bones, "Hooked on a feeling, ba ba-da baa, high on believing, ba ba-da baa, that you're in love with m–"

She was abruptly interrupted by the entire ship jolting with such force that it threw her off of her cot. Quickly getting to her feet, she makes her way to her window. Loki looks at her with a dangerous smirk.

Soon after, a thunderous, rageful roar echoes throughout the ship. Alarmed she glances up at where it seemingly came from before looking back to Loki. He is looking up with a mischievous smile. What was his stupid plan?

They wait, Lilith with bated breath and Loki gleefully. The power goes out. Her door pops open. Huh, you'd think such a high-end ship would keep their prisoners in, even in the case of a power outage.

Cautiously, she leaves her cell, winding back through the dark hallways that she knows will lead to Loki. She has no idea what he's planning. She doesn't trust him and she definitely has a bad feeling about all of this.

She finally makes her way to the last corridor to reach the cell. Stepping through the doorway, she sees Thor charging through an apparition of Loki in the cell. The door closes behind him locking him inside.

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Loki asks wickedly.

Thor slams his hammer into the glass wall, only cracking it. The hinges holding the cell shudder and slightly open. Loki just chuckles, still not noticing Lilith.

Walking over to the button that Fury had motioned to the day before, he says, "The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?"

The guard that was with Loki falls to the ground, revealing an agent with a huge gun standing behind him. "Move away, please."

Loki follows his order and steps away. The agent continues, "You like this? We started working on the prototype after you sent THE DESTROYER. Even I don't know what it does." He powers the weapon up, "Do you wanna find out?"

Lilith surges forward, as much as she hates him, she needs to keep him alive. Loki gets there before she does. The agent gasps as he is impaled with Loki's spear from behind. The other Loki dissipates.

"Nooo!" Thor yells out as his friend falls against the wall.

Loki continues toward the control panel. "Loki!" Lilith finally brings his attention to her, "What exactly is your plan that you failed to share with me? We may hate each other but we were tasked to work together to succeed." She was angry. She was tired of being left in the dark. Being caught in the unknown was dangerous, and it threatened the success of the mission.

He rolled his eyes vehemently and let out an exasperated sigh. "Well, I didn't plan on telling you, because you weren't supposed to make it out."

Her eyebrows draw together, "What?"

In a split second, he shoots a blast toward her, but she rolls out of the way. She creates an illusion of her running at him when she really comes at him from a different angle. By the time he realizes she had fooled him, he catches her at the last second before she can take him down. They start a vicious hand-to-hand combat, with her barely overcoming him. But in a move of luck, he manages to press the tip of the scepter against her head, causing her to still her movement.

"He will rain down fire upon you for this," she says with venom.

"Will he? Maybe he just put too much trust in his stolen Midgardian daughter and she died at the hands of her true people."

"What??" she can barely get the syllable out before he uses the scepter to enter her mind. Locked-away memories resurface too powerful for her to withstand consciously. Slumping to the floor, unconscious, the demi-god shoots her with a strong energy blast for good riddance.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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