Chapter One: The Medieval Times

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Keelin has two things on her mind at that moment: 'This is amazing!' and 'Oh crap, what the heck was she thinking?

She walks outside and sees the Medieval peasants working rather tiredly. Keelin walks around and observes the environment around her. It is rather beautiful; the clouds are blocking the sun from shining, and the buildings are rather close together. Keelin notices the Church Bells are ringing; she walks with the crowd in the direction of the church. She spots the Church around the corner and Keelin walks inside. The Church is rather clean, unlike the other houses. The peasants take their seats and the nobility sit in the front while the Clergy sets up their ceremony. She takes a seat in the back and looks around. "Hello, my child." She hears a male voice greet her with a baritone voice. She looks up and sees the Priest looking down at her with a gentle smile. "Hello." She answers back with a small smile. "Are you here for the service, my child?" He asks her. She nods, not knowing how to respond to him. "Well, I thank you for enjoying us. I must confess that I have not seen you before." He continues. "Yes. Um, I am a traveler from... far away." Keelin answers, feeling bad for lying to the Priest in front of her. "I see. What is your name?" He questions her. Should she keep her name or keep lying to him? "Emma." She tells him. "Emma. Beautiful name." He nods at her. "Thank you." She nods back. He smiles at her one last time before turning around and leaving her. Then, she hears voices in the front of the Church; there are boys and men singing in acapella the Gregorian Chant in Latin in a monophonic tone. They are singing stunningly; the organum sounds rather rehearsed and notated.

After the service, Keelin and the other peasants walk into the streets until she hears music coming from a pub just a few houses away. She walks quickly and looks inside. There are more instruments playing lively music and both men and women are dancing and singing about love, spinning, and drinking with vernacular and non-notated lyrics. Keelin walks inside the pub and a few peasants turn to see who walked in. Then, a red-haired woman with dark blue eyes walks up to Keelin, "'Ello there, dearie. Like to join the party?" She asks with a cockney accent. "Um, not for long." Keelin answers. "Well, if you need a drink, my name's Anne." She smiles toothy at Keelin and walks away. Keelin smiles at the scenery in front of her. She felt someone take her hand and she turned to see a man with black hair and sapphire blue around her age. "Care for a dance, miss?" He asks her with a cute British accent. "Why not?" She smiles back at him as they go on the dance floor and dance to a song of drinking. Keelin couldn't help but smile and laugh the entire time; she favored this group over the Church; this group is more fun. After the song ended, everyone applauded at the group who performed the songs. Keelin wondered which group they were; the trouvères or the troubadours. She walks up to the group and they look up at her with smiles. "Bonjour, mademoiselle." The leader, a rather handsome French man with brown hair and blue eyes, greets her. "Bonjour. I was just wondering which part of France you are from?" Keelin questions the group. "Ah. We are from the South of France." One of the men in the group responded to her question. "Oh. So, you are all troubadours?" Keelin asks. "Well, not Otto. He's a Minnesinger. One of the best, but they threw him out." One of the other men points to the man I presume is Otto. "I see. Well, thank you." I nod at them before leaving them in peace. Keelin quickly walks outside and back into the house she entered before. She feels the necklace glowing and she closes her eyes as she feels light again.

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