Chapter Three: The Renaissance Period

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She was a stranger in a very strange land.

Keelin opens her eyes again, only to notice she is lying on the ground. Once she has gained consciousness, she opens her eyes and realizes that there is a crowd around her. "Miss! Can you hear me?" She receives an Italian female voice. She looks up at the Italian woman, "I can hear you perfectly." Keelin slowly stands up with the help of the woman and the group surrounding her departs to their average lives. "My name is Simona. Simona Cellini." She introduces herself. Keelin finally gets a good look at Simona; she has raven black hair, olive skin, dark brown eyes that could be mistaken for black, and she stands only an inch or two shorter than Keelin. "Isabel." She said, "Beautiful name." Simona compliments. "Thank you. So is yours." Keelin smiles. The two women continue walking. "Could you please tell me what happened to me?" Keelin asks Simona, hoping no one saw her time-travel. "From what I saw, you were just walking and then you stopped and fell down." Simona explains. "Oh. Well, thank you for helping me." Keelin said, trying not to panic because she doesn't know how long she has in the Renaissance era. "You are entirely welcome. Now, come on. We are late for church." Simona quickly urges Keelin to the Church.

Once Keelin and Simona enter the Church, Keelin takes her time and observes the environment of the Church. It was bigger than the Medieval church and when she looks up, she sees the ceiling designed with angels as if they are looking down at the humans here on Earth. The chorus at the front of the Church were a group singing in acapella in a homophonic tone and a motet that was notated with a soprano, alto, tenor, and bass voice. She can hear the rhythmic notations from the group. The group then presents the Ordinary Mass: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Santus, and lastly Agnus Dei. "Their voices are beautiful." I hear Simona whisper to me. "Yes, they are." I whisper back. "Honestly, I am glad that Palestrina saved polyphony for the church. And thank God that Leonin and Perotin help polyphony at that school in France. What was it called again?" Simona confesses. "The School of Notre Dame?" Keelin suggests. "Yes, that's it." Simona nods. After the service, Keelin walks outside with Simona, who has her arm looped with Keelin's. As they walk around the city of Florence, Keelin then hears a group of men and women singing in perfect harmony. Keelin remembers from her Music Appreciation class that the group is a Madrigal; the secular form of acapella. "I know this group." Simona speaks up, interrupting Keelin's thought process. "I think they are troubadours." She guesses. "Yes, I have heard of them as well. However, I don't quite remember which part of France they are from." Keelin acts on. "The south, I suppose. I think they believe in humanism and that is what their songs are based on." Simona shrugs. The group continues singing in a vernacular way. Another group around the corner played with instruments that are not notated. "This has been a very wonderful day." Keelin says to Simona. "It was, wasn't it?" Simona smiles. "Which is why it is going to be so hard saying goodbye to you." Keelin confesses. Simona gives her new friend a shocked expression but understands why. "I understand." Simona sadly sighs. "I just cannot stay here for long. It's complicated." Keelin tries to explain. "Well, thank you for a wonderful day." Simona hugs her new friend and Keelin hugs her back, trying not to cry. They both let go and they look at each other. Simona kisses Keelin's cheek and Keelin returns the gesture. Keelin turns away and starts walking. She turns the corner and sees an alleyway. She peeks to see if anyone's in the alley. When she sees no one, she walks in and goes to the darkest corner and activates the necklace. The necklace glows and Keelin closes her eyes. Her body is floating in the air again. 

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