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She wasn't happy about returning. 

"Well?" Agent Moody asks her. "I'm done, but I forgot the composers." She confesses. "Which composers?" Moody questions. "Bach, Handel, and Vivaldi." She lists off as she goes into the closet and changes into her modern-day outfit. She exits the closet with the dress in her hands and the necklace still around her neck. "Well, Bach is the most popular out of the three. He was born in 1685 and he died on 1750, ending the Baroque period. He mostly wrote cantatas and fugues for the church. He began to work in Weimar from 1709 to 1717, then Cothen 1717 to 1723 and finally Leipzig for the rest of his days." Moody edifies Keelin out of the blue. "Whoa! How do you know that?" Keelin queries Moody, in an impressive voice. "My wife is a high school music teacher." He answers her. "Ah. What about Vivaldi?" "The Red Priest. Born 1678 and died 1741. He was a composer, conductor, and a violin teacher at the Music of the Pieta, an all-girl orphanage. He mostly conducted operas, concertos, and sacred choirs. He worked at the city where he was born..." Moody explains, but Keelin knew where Vivaldi was born. "Venice." "Venice." The two finish simultaneously. "Right." Moody nods at her. "And lastly, Handel." Keelin said. "Handel was born in Germany on 1685. He mostly composed in Italy and in 1710, he moved to London. He mostly composed operas, oratorios, concertos, and Concerto Grosso." Moody lists off. "Wow. Thank you. You just saved my paper." Keelin smiles. "No problem." Moody shrugs off. "So, now what? Are you going to arrest me?" Keelin questions him worriedly, wondering how to explain this to both her parents. "No, just Norman. As far as I'm concern, you are just another victim that didn't know what Norman Winters was planning." Moody reassures her. "What? What plan?" Keelin asks "To go back in time and destroy music forever." Moody tells her. "And Norman wanted me to test it to make sure he couldn't be killed in the process of time-traveling." Keelin thinks out loud. "Exactly why you are the victim in this... sinister plan." Moody clarifies. "Well, thank you." Keelin nods in respect. "You're welcome. I'm still going to need the necklace." Moody gives Keelin an apologetic look. "Oh. Right." Keelin removes the necklace from her neck and hands it over to the FBI agent. "Thank you. Remember, you know someone in the FBI. So, we'll keep it touch, okay?" Moody illuminates. "Crystal. Goodbye, Agent Moody." Keelin holds out her hand. Moody takes her hand and shakes it gently, "Goodbye, Miss Anderson." Moody smiles at her and leaves her to take care of Norman. Keelin waits a few moments before leaving the building and towards her car, never looking back. When she returns home, she goes on her laptop and types down her story, hoping to get an A on it. 

Going Through the Music....HistoryWhere stories live. Discover now