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Okay, this is gonna sound weird, but Jensi is literally one of my favorite characters. He's hardly in the series (except the first two books and Stellarlune) but I have a deep love for him that I don't plan on getting rid of anytime soon

I love his chaotic energy and the way he talks and so obviously has ADHD and everything, and it was so fun seeing him in Stellarlune after hearing almost nothing from him!

Except, it wasn't that good

Because he was so sad

He was basically ghosted by all his friends because he hadn't manifested yet, and he was so upset over it. He's convinced he'll be Talentless, and he's already preparing himself for it. I'm sure other kid's are being less than nice to him about it, too, and that makes me sad

And not to mention, his brother is a Phaser (side note, I think he's Blur. Just a headcanon!) His parent's were good matches, so it doesn't make since that he wouldn't have a special ability. Yet, he might not.

Also, the way he lost some of his energy after all this worry and stress. Like he's not as excited anymore. He's just fading back, accepting his new fate, accepting the fact that he's not important and never will be. He's ready for it, but that doesn't mean he wants it.

And him trying to help Sophie and the gang, even though he had no idea what he was helping with, while all that was going on. That was so sweet of him, I love it sm.

Oh, also the way he matured! He got older and more responsible and his face got less full and asdfghjkl i love it! I want him included more.


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