Chapter 42

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The moment all of us have been waiting for


okay, imma be honest. It sorta felt like a sokeefe fanfic.


It wasn't.



the way Sophie spent literally half the chapter working up the courage to tell him

And when she was finally ready

He wasn't even there

So with her super fancy (red) tunic, she sat on the ground. And just. Waited. For like hours.

Then Keefe finally came back and was immediately like "Are you okay??? Did something happen???"

Guys. That's so cute. I love it too much. He was instantly worried for her when he saw her waiting there.

Then they went on a walk, and Keefe led them to the place, (that's super romantic, by the way!)

And Sophie just. Spilled the beans.

I'm going to type the whole scene, so you guys can hear my thoughts and everything.

She straight up goes:

"I know you said you got over a bunch of things after you left the Lost Cities, and I'm sure that probably includes the stuff you told me in your note. And I know you said you're not looking for a relationship right now--and I get it. But . . . it makes me a little sad. Mostly because it means I missed my chance to be with this really incredible guy who makes me laugh and always finds ways to be there for me when I need him. And that's fine. It's my fault--and I'm not trying to, like . . . guilt you into liking me again. I just felt like you should know why I might get a little awkward around you right now. I'm trying to figure out how to go back to only seeing you as a friend, and it's not easy, because I'd just started realizing how much I care about you."


Guys. She said that.

To Keefe.

Holy cow.

I screamed when I read this. It's so cute and it makes me so happy.

And the way she was like "I like you, but I know you might not like me, and I'm trying to be cool with that," was super sweet. Like she was trying to tell him that she was okay with him maybe not liking her, even if she really liked him.

Plus, the next part . . .


Keefe's voice was barely a whisper--and it sounded much closer.

He said her name again before she scraped the courage to open her eyes and found him standing right in front of her, staring at her like . . .

There weren't words for his expression.

But her heart seemed to understand---stretching a little more with every beat, like it wanted to fill every part of her.

"You realize," Keefe breathed, and his ice blue eyes seemed to shimmer as they reflected the twinkly light, "that if we do this . . . it could get very messy."

Sophie looked away, kicking her toe against one of the glowing toadstools. "Because I'm unmatchable?"

"No---the Council can feed their match lists to the gorgodon for all I care. But . . . I wasn't lying when I said my mom will try to use anyone I care about to hurt me."

Stellarlune Thoughts!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant