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Um. This girl.

She was all over in this book.

First, what the heck??? I'm still trying to figure out why she would tell Sophie that she couldn't make her illusions have shadows. That doesn't make sense! She wouldn't want anyone to know that because then they could see through it, yet here she was, telling her enemies it anyway.


She also tried to form an alliance with the Sophie's group. Like ??? We all know you're just gonna turn on them ??? And then try to kill them again ??

She straight up used them. She only needed them because she couldn't find the star stone on her own, so she went to this group of literal kids like "Go find this for me so I can use Esylain to hurt you!"

And . . . . they did it?

I know Sophie only wanted to find it for Keefe, so that was kinda sweet. And they did try searching it without her, so at least they did that

I just wish there was another way they could have done it without her help! I feel like there should have been. What if they brought Luzia there instead of Vespera? Luzia is an actual Flasher, and she does illusions too. So . . . maybe she could've helped??

Plus, Vespera assured Sophie that she would be safe. And then Lady Gisela showed up and was like "Guess what b*tches I'm back"



She killed Vespera???

Like I did not see that coming???

Holy heck???



I mean good for Sophie ig but also now she's probably even more traumatized


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