Lihn and Tam

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These two in this book!

Holy cow!

Lihn is just . . . so angry! She's so mad at Tam, at Glimmer, at everyone! She has a huge right to be, but man! Calm down. She's sniping at everyone and low key being really rude

But like . . .  I'm actually glad for her development??? Like at least she's not pretending to be 10000% okay with everything??? That would have been really bad??

But poor Tam, his twin is totally against him

(Also, though, Tam is being very trusting of Rayni. Like . . . she was a villain??? Calm down Tam??? Maybe not be so close to her until we know she's committed??)

But . . . the twins arguing? That hurts. They were so close in the beginning, and now with all the drama and trauma they're all so confused

Honestly, though?? They have a right to be?? After everything that has happened they low key have a right to be upset?? It's okay for Lihn to be mad and it's okay for Tam to be too, but I just wish they wouldn't take it out on each other. Some of the fandom is mad at Shannon for making them fight but I think it's sorta good? Let them relieve some stress?? Let them cope??

They'll make up! Just give them some time!

I just hope they do, you know? I'd hate for this to hurt their relationship so bad that they can't repair it.

Lihn does seem a little OOC, I'll give it that. She seems very angry and upset and sorta un-Lihn like?

What do you guys think?

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