[Chapter Three]

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Back at the house, Bokuto and Akaashi were sitting in the living room trying to play Nintendo Switch Sports on the TV. They were playing bowling and neither one of them was very good.

"Ooh, you're home! You guys wanna play?!" Bokuto asked with excitement.

"Nah, I'm gonna try and work on some homework." I said, heading directly to my room. Kuroo did the same.

"What to do…" I whispered to myself. I couldn't think of anything. My mind was drawing a complete blank.

I gave up after an hour and hopped onto some video games until I got tired.


I woke up to a quiet cry coming from the kitchen or living room. I slowly got out of bed to see what was going on.

I got to the kitchen to see Kuroo with a knife in one hand and blood trickling down the other.

"Kuroo…" I started to panic. He didn't answer me. His eyes looked empty of all the fun and happiness I'm used to. Next thing I knew, he was passed out on the floor, a pool of blood slowly forming by his cuts. I froze. I didn't know what to do.

After a few minutes, I came out of my 'freeze'  and I bolted to Bokuto's room.

"Bokuto, wake up." I was crying.

"What's going on?" He asked, slightly annoyed because I woke him up.

"Kuroo…kitchen…blood…" I felt myself getting dizzy.

"Wait…what?" Bokuto seemed confused and headed out to see what I was talking about.

"Holy fuck…" He ran over and tried to look for a pulse.

"Get Akaashi…" He said. I did as he told me to and got him, who was also annoyed at being woken up.

"What's going….on…" he trailed off as he got to the kitchen.

"I can't find a pulse." Bokuto looked up at Akaashi. Akaashi dropped to the ground to try and find it himself.


"What…" I started to hyperventilate. All I remember is seeing Bokuto move closer to me as I started to fall forward against my will.


I woke up in my bed sweating and sobbing.

"It was just a dream…All a dream…" I whispered to myself. I tried to calm myself down but couldn't. I just sat there bawling.

Why the hell did I have a nightmare like that? I grabbed my phone and texted Kuroo.


Kenma: Hey…Are you awake?

Kuroo: Yeah, what's up?

Kenma: I just needed to make sure you were okay.


I didn't get a text back, but a knock at my bedroom door.

"Kuroo?" I quickly wiped my tears and tried to calm down.

"What's going on?" He asked as he came in and sat on my bed next to me.

"Nothing…I'm fine." I lied.

"I don't believe you."

"I promise, I'm okay."

"If you say so. Now come here and cuddle." He laughed. We both laid down in my bed and fell asleep.

~Word Count~

Boys Feel Sad Too - A BokuAkaKuroKen College AUWhere stories live. Discover now