[Chapter Five]

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Akaashi didn't want to leave me alone for the night, which I completely understand why. Even when Kuroo and Bokuto got home, his eyes were on me pretty much the entire time.

We sat in the living room and watched movies for most of the night. I was up cuddled under some blankets next to Akaashi. I wasn't really paying attention to the movie, instead I was just kinda zoned out. Akaashi noticed because he squeezed my thigh to pull me back to reality.

"You good?" He whispered. I just shrugged. Because honestly I don't know if I'm okay.

"Hey, me and Kenma are gonna head off to bed. Don't stay up too late you two, okay?" Akaashi stood up and announced.

"Oh, okay. Night guys. Love you." Bokuto said, barely taking his eyes off the TV.

"Love you too." Akaashi said back. I just stayed silent.

I was led down the hall to Akaashi's room. He laid down and I laid next to him and curled up under the blankets again.

"You're probably tired after today, it probably felt like a long day. Get some sleep. I'll be right here." He said as he pulled me into his arms. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, but I ended up crying.

"What's wrong with me?" I tried to hold back tears.

"Nothing is wrong with you. It's normal to feel emotions."

"It's normal to want to hurt or kill yourself?"

"No, that's not what I meant. Lots of people our age, boys and girls, feel this way. It definitely doesn't help that your parents basically have you trained to think that boys aren't allowed to have strong negative emotions." He said. He sounded annoyed. I can't blame him though, I'm sure Bokuto and Kuroo are also annoyed at that fact.

I didn't bother to say anything else. I just laid there in Akaashi's arms and cried myself to sleep.

~Word Count~

Boys Feel Sad Too - A BokuAkaKuroKen College AUWhere stories live. Discover now