[Chapter Seven]

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I only got about 2 hours of sleep. I definitely stayed up too late playing on the switch. Today was gonna be great.

I got dressed and headed out right away to get my coffee. I wasn't going to survive without it.

"Double shot today, Sho." I said as I entered the shop.

"What, didn't sleep?" He laughed as he got started on my coffee.

"Only got 2 hours. We were up late playing video games."

"Did you at least win?"

"Of course I did, my boyfriends suck at video games."

"Good." He laughed.

"Alright, I might be back between classes. Need all the coffee today."

"Depending on the time I won't be here, I do Co-op, remember."

"Fuck, okay. See ya." I waved and headed out to my class.

My first class was English, and we were given a reading assignment. We were supposed to read as much of The Great Gatsby as we could in this period and then write about what we read. The Great Gatsby isn't that bad of a book, slightly boring in my opinion, but not absolutely horrible.

I couldn't focus. I couldn't tell if it was exhaustion or depression causing me to not be able to focus. I was dozing off, even after the coffee, but also getting intrusive thoughts here and there.

After class finally ended, I headed back to the coffee shop to get another double shot. Shoyo wasn't there, unfortunately.

"Hi, welcome in! What can I get for you?"

"Can I get a vanilla sweet cream cold brew with 2 shots of blonde espresso and 4 pumps classic please?"

"Didn't peg you as a person for sweet things." The person behind the counter laughed as they started to make my drink. I finally actually looked at who was behind the counter and it was Yaku.

"Oh - hey. Yeah…Bokuto got me started on it. Plus I'm not a fan of straight espresso."

"That's fair. How is everything with the guys?"

"We all live together on campus. It's not bad."

"Good, tell them I said Hi!" Yaku replied as he handed my coffee to me.

"Will do. Talk to you later, gotta get to class and hopefully not sleep through it." I sighed. I can't wait to just get home.


At home I walked into the kitchen to see Kuroo and Bokuto being flirty and getting…a little hands on, we'll say.

"Get a room." I teased.

"Jealous?" Kuroo asked.

"Not one bit." I gave a smile. Kuroo walked over to me and left Bokuto leaning against the counter.

"Are you sure, Kitten?" He asked, putting a finger under my chin to make me look up at him.

"Kuro, I have homework to get done. Go have fun with Bokuto. Just…don't be too loud." I laughed a bit.

"Oh, you're no fun."

"I know, Kuro. I know." I said, heading off into my room. I didn't actually have homework, I just really wasn't in the mood for any of that.

I'm tired, depressed, and just in an all around bad mood. I just wanted to fall asleep and never wake up again.


Kenma; Hey, Kaashi?

Akaashi; What's up?

Kenma; Just in a shitty mood. And Kuro and Bo are kinda in the middle of something…I just need a hug, or someone to tell me everything's gonna be fine.

Akaashi; I'll be home soon, love. Don't do anything stupid till then. It's going to be okay. I love you.

Kenma; I love you too.


I sat my phone down and stared up at the ceiling fan. Maybe if I look long enough it'll hypnotize me into sleep.


When Akaashi got home, he came directly into my room.

"Hey." I said when I heard the door open.

"What's on your mind?"

"Everything. My random depression, school work, intrusive thoughts, and I'm tired as all hell so it's making it worse I think."

"Get some sleep then."

"If I sleep now I won't sleep tonight and it'll just repeat this tomorrow."

"Okay…then do you want to help make dinner? It'll help keep you awake and distracted."

"Yeah, sure. What are we making?"

"Nikujaga, So I'm gonna need help peeling and slicing potatoes."

"Alright." I shrugged. We went out to the kitchen and we got started. Akaashi cut up some beef and onions while I peeled and cut up potatoes.

"That's gross, Kenma." Akaashi looked at me as I popped a small piece of raw potato in my mouth.

"No it's not, grow up." I laughed.

"How can you stand the texture of it?" He asked.

"It has the same texture as an apple, try it. I promise, it's not that bad." I laughed. He looked at me like I had three heads, but did eventually try a small piece. He agreed, it has the texture of an apple. He did not like the taste though.

Once dinner was done, he went and got Bokuto and Kuroo, who were both passed out in Kuroos room. I started serving food.

Dinner was mostly quiet, no one really had a whole lot to say. We talked about classes for a few minutes, but no one had anything interesting going on.

After I finished eating and helped do dishes, I headed to get a shower and then finally to bed. I was out almost as soon as my head hit the pillows.

~Word Count~

Boys Feel Sad Too - A BokuAkaKuroKen College AUWhere stories live. Discover now