[Chapter Six]

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I woke up decently late the next morning. That was fine, I don't have classes on Wednesdays. Akaashi was already gone for the day. He did leave a note on his nightstand for me though; I headed to class, rest as much as you need, eat, drink water. Text one of us if you need us. I love you.

I sighed and got up out of Akaashi's bed and headed over to my own room. I grabbed some clothes to go and get a shower.

I turned the water on to let it warm up and then pulled up Spotify on my phone. S.T.A.R. by Mothica was the first song to come on.

I slowly turned the water all the way to hot. It burned, but I didn't care. It's better than cutting, right?

After my shower, I headed back to my room and hopped on my computer. I still had that stupid English project to work on. I could write about video games? Or maybe just one specific video game? I don't even know how that would work in an essay to be honest. It'd probably get me a failing grade and I cannot afford that.

After being frustrated and not being able to come up with a topic still, I pulled up Valorant and started to play.

I played that until I heard a knock at my bedroom door maybe 3 hours later? I kind of lost track of time.

"Come in." I pulled my headset down to my neck and spun in my chair to face the door.

"Hey." Kuroo came in.

"What's up?"

"Not much. Just wanted to come cuddle."

"Sure, give me a minute." I sighed with a small smile. I turned off my game and then hopped under my blankets with Kuroo.

"How has your day been?" He asked.

"Not horrible. Woke up, showered, and played video games. How were your classes?"

"Boring." He sighed. He pulled me closer into him and just hugged me. He was touch starved. I snuggled in and tried not to fall asleep, but that plan failed miserably.


We were woken up later that evening by Bokuto bursting in saying dinner was just about ready. I really didn't want to eat, but I knew my boyfriends wouldn't allow that.

Kuroo and I slowly made our way out to the kitchen to see Akaashi serving food already.

As usual, I just kinda picked at my food. Taking a bite here and there, pretty much forcing myself to eat.

"So, are we busy on Saturday?" Bokuto asked. This sounded like it could be an interesting conversation.

"Not that I'm aware. Why?" Akaashi replied. He's the one that pretty much knows everyone's schedule and when who's doing what.

"There's a party going on. I was wondering if you guys would wanna join?"

"I'm in." Kuroo said immediately.

"I'll go." Akaashi replied.

"You guys want me to go don't you…" I asked. All three of them were looking at me.

"Mmhm." Bokuto smiled.

"Fine…at least then I'm not by myself. Maybe I'll find a topic for my English paper while I'm there." I shrugged.

"Awesome, I'll let my friend know we'll be there." Bokuto gave a big smile.

After dinner, we decided to play some video games until we were too tired to stay awake. Honestly, that probably wasn't the best decision though, seeing as I had class in the morning.

~Word Count~

Boys Feel Sad Too - A BokuAkaKuroKen College AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang