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Tristan's pov

I was one of my walk I have with mom we walked down to the lake and sat on the bench swing chatting about things comming up, 'there a rare moon comming soon which sometimes caused wolves to act unusual.' We got up from the swing and walked to the end of the platform, I heard a noise behind me, turning round just in time I see aura running she jumps on me wrapping her arms and legs round me, causing us to fall into the water.

She fall off when I surface, look around to see her I see her drifting further and deep into the cold lake struggling to stay afloat I swim after her as best and fast as I can, I'm beginning to struggle 'JAMES!!!'  I yell through the mind link 'I need help, lake, aura' I say 'on my way' he reply. I manage to catch up with her and start to get her back to sure, climb on my back, I tell her, she wraps her arms around my neck. I am nearing the sure when James runs on to help.

Mom joins us on the shore after comming from the lodge with towels and blankets. We start to warm her up but it is not working, we pick her up and carry her into the lodge, Tristan you have to mate with her, it is the only way to heal her, she is to ill other wise. I look to her 'babs I am so sorry,' she doesn't respond James and mom walk outside, whilst I begin to mate I have to keep marking her, I keep on her warming her up. 

I marked her one last time, her eyes snapped open 'trissy? ' she says tearing up 'where are we, what happened' she says. 'We are at the lodge pet. I was talking with your mama.' I get cut of 'mama? Mamas here' she asks. I nod 'you want mama' I ask she nods I go to walk out to get her 'trissy' I turn round to face her, 'trissy with' I smile 'OK pet come on then' I go and pick her up to carry her out side.

We meet her mom outside on the deck I mouth little to her 'mama' she cries reaching for her. 'Mama, me cold' she cries 'me cold why mama' she smiles softly 'well aura, big you ran to trissy, jumped on him causing you to fall into the lake' 'oh sowry trissy' she says reaching for me l, I take her to my lap, 'no worrys pet' we all cuddle on the deck until she starts to yawn. 'Time for bed baby' mom says I go to hand her to mom to take her to bed. 'No!' She crys 'no bed' 'Aura please' mom says 'no me trissy' I chuckle 'you want trissy take you to bed' I ask. 'Trissy yes, trissy yes' she says get loud 'okay no need to shout.

We all get up and walk back, we get her up to her room, I go to leave 'trissy stay' she asks sleepy, 'sure petal' I climb into bed next to her laying her head on my chest. I fall asleep not long after.

I get woken up to loud noises, I look at the clock to see its 2.30, I see that aura isn't in bed. I look towards the window to see her moving her dolls house from one side of the room to the other. I switch on the bed side light 'Aura' I ask she turns to me 'trissy play ' I climb out of bed to her 'trissy play' 'Aura petal, not playtime' I say 'but trissy I wanna play' she whines,  'you can play aura' she looks at me hopeful, 'but playtime is later not now' I say calmly 'but trissy' she pouts 'now, now' I pick her up and look out, 'see moons out' I say 'ya mooney outty' she giggles 'yes, when mooney outty no playtime' I say. 'Ah otay' she replies, I carry her back to bed and we fall back to sleep.

I wake up again and see it is 3.30 and aura not in bed, I see her playing with her dolls house, I get up and picket her up 'moony outty ' I start 'no playtime' she replies pouting, back to bed we go this continues every 30 minutes at 7 I start to fall asleep when I hear my door slam open and the sound of footsteps running up and down the corridor I sleepy walk out to see aura, she spots me and begin to run down the stairs, I chase after her following her to our other room where James is she busts the door open waking James. She begins to jump on the bed I walk over to aura 'bedtime aura' she doesn't listen so I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder, she hits my back as I carry her to bed.

Once in the room I place her on the bed 'Aura sleep or no playtime' I say firmly 'noo trissy, no' she wails hitting my chest 
'Lay down and sleep now' I say 'otay' she replies not wanting to give in. She falls back to sleep, except I can't as I keep waking up.  I wake up again to her playing, except this time she was throwing things around her room, I sit up to look at her 'Aura' I say sternly only to find a book flying towards my face hitting me. 'Aura' 'what!!' She yells 'you should be asleep' I say calmly 'cant' she yells back I'm worried she going to wake others 'can't what' 'sleep duh'.

I walk over to her, pick her up and place her on the bed. 'We don't talk like that do we?' I ask her, she turn and faces the other way. This was the final straw tonight 'Aura face me please' I ask calmly 'no!' She yells 'fine, not playtime and no treats' this got her attention 'no not treats and playtime' she cries 'help tidy and maybe playtime' she shakes her head a big no. ' okay then lay down and sleep' I say she was very reluctant but ended up sleeping. I spent the rest of the night putting the room back together. I wake up on the floor to Aura jumping on me 9am, 'trissy breaky' I wake up, and stand up, she pulls me along the corridor to the breakfast room, 'trissy hurry' she cries pulling me. She pulls me into the room, where I collapse on the floor to see her running to her mum and dad. Her mum gets up and runs towards me, aura turned round 'mama?' She goes to run to her mum but the dad place a firm grip on her telling her to stay.

'Are you okay son' she asks me I shake my head 'Come on let go out side she helps me up and leads me outside, we sat on some chairs outside of the room 'what happened' she asks, I tell her what had happened, 'you tried you best son, she has to learn she can't act this way, come on let's get you some food', she leads me into the room, aura breaks free from her dad's grasp running towards me, mom stands in front of me 'stop' she says 'go sit' she says point to the corner of the room 'no' Aura replies crossing her arms in defiance 'yes now' she doesn't listen to her mum pushing her aside, I pick her up and took her to the corner, 'sit, stay' I say placing her down before waking to join mom for some food. 

It wasn't long bed aura was by my side, I picked her up and placed her back in the corner. This kept going on all through breakfast, at the end of breakfast we were getting up to leave, she walks over to me 'sowy trissy' she says looking up at me. 'It's okay' I say crouching to give her a hug.  I pick her up and carry her to the garden where we sit on the ground she falls asleep, I lay back looking at the clouds, I think I ended up falling asleep, as the next thing I knew James was picking me up and mom picking up aura. I slowly open my to see James looking down to me, 'sleep tris' He says kissing my forehead.

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