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James' pov

I was suddenly awoke by a loud bang, I jump out of bed, rushing out of the door to see tristan at the bottom of the stairs, I rushed to his side and I see mom rush down the stairs to join me by tristans side, aura started to nuzzle him to get under his arm but mom sent her to her father.

After Aura bounded up the stairs mom begins to speak. 'Tristan' she ask 'Tristan son, are you okay' he try to sit up but we tell him to not move.  The next thing we knew he had blacked out. We called the doctor he told us to get him back to our room so he could recover. He told us that even though he's unconscious I had to mate with him to heal him. I hope he forgives me.

I wake up the next morning with tris laying on my chest, I brush his hair off his eyes and kiss hiss forehead. His eyes snap open looking around the room to work out where he was. I tell him what had happened 'I'm sorry tris' I say 'what for?' He asks ' i had to mate with you so you could heal better' he flips me over so I am on my back, he kissed my neck 'it's okay you had to do it.' He says smiling at me. 'Let's get some breakfast' I say. I help him walk down to breakfast and we sit down at the table.

Auras wolf comes bounding in with something in her mouth. She looks up at tris saying sorry 'it's okay petal, don't let it happen again' he says kissing the top of her head.

She nudges a ball towards us, we throw it and she bounds after it and brings it back to us, this goes on for 5 minutes until she ends up face planting the wall. We try not to chuckle but she jumped round eye jet black and start to prowl towards us. Tristan jumps up and turns into his wolf following her actions.

'Submit to me weakling' she roars, before charging towards him she sends him flying across the room. I jump in front of her she challenges me before submitting. She moved her head so her neck is exposed and I mark he so she knows I'm in  charge.  She runs of and hides in the corner of the room shaking. 

Tristans pov

I feeling better after the stairs incident
She keeps acting playful and trying to get dominance for the past few weeks, it is almost this rare moon soon.

It's two weeks till the rare moon, I am sat in the throne room with the king and  queen (mom and dad) on our thrones, we have some people comming to discuss some business, we are talking when I notice the door open and a small wolf creep in 'Aura, what are you doing' she bound over to us bows to mom and dad, before bowing to me, she has a ball in her mouth she drops it to the side of my seat before laying down between me and dad.

We reach down and give her a fuss occasionally during the meeting. After the meeting she picks up the ball and drops it in my lap, which I pick up and throw she bounds after it causing us to chuckle. She picks up the ball and drops it at her dads feet, he reaches down and throws it, this continues until the next person arrives, she takes her spot between her dad and me, after the end of the meeting we hear soft purrs, we look down and see her asleep on the floor between us.

We have 2 meetings left today, when the door opens aura picks up her head before falling back to sleep. We hear the occasional whimpers, so we stroke her head and she calms down.  At the end of the meetings  I get up and carry her to her room before laying her on her bed kissing her head, and walking out closing the door quietly.

I walk out to the garden to meet James 'how is she?' He ask. ''Okay, I think. She acting very playful. Like earlier I was in meetings in the throne room with mom and dad, and she came in with a ball in her mouth which she dropped at my feet before sitting between dad and me. After the meeting had she nudged the ball so that I could throw it she went bounding after the ball she dropped it in dad's lap, it went on until the next meeting going between the two of us.  When it was time for the next meeting she layed down between us, ended up falling asleep. She only woke up when the doors opened before falling back to sleep' I say. 'Aw bless, where is she now? He asks 'upstairs asleep in her room' I reply.

We sit chatting looking out at the lake listening to the bird song. We looked at each other as we heard something behind us, the next thing we knew aura had jumped on our backs sending us tumbling down the hill to the edge of the lake. When we stopped moving we saw that aura was on top of us, giving us kisses, we flipped her over so we were on top and responded by kissing her all over.

James pov

After tris had told me what had happened during the meeting we were sitting looking out at the lake listening to the bird song, we heard something behind us so we looked at each other.

The next thing we knew aura had jumped on our backs sending us tumbling down the hill to the edge of the lake. When we stopped moving we saw that aura was on top of us, giving us kisses, we flipped her over so we were on top and responded by kissing her all over. 

We all ended us running into our lodge kissing and mating. After we had finished we fell asleep on the bed all snuggled up together. As I fell asleep, thoughts I had I knew I had to plan what I wanted. 

The next morning we were still at the lodge, I looked over to see tris and aura still asleep, so I quietly got out of bed and walked to the decking, I just sat looking out at the calm waters, about 30 minutes later I was greeted by tris kissing me from behind, 'morning' he said before walking to join me on the swing, 'morning, sleep well' I asked before giving him a kiss. 'I did thanks. Auras sleeping still' he replies. 'Any plans today' tris asks me. 'I have some meetings today' I reply 'you?' I ask him. 'Not at the moment, I see what aura fancies today' he replies.

After about 10 minutes we were greeted by Aura giving us kissed and a hug before walking round to join us, we sit cuddling looking out towards the lake. After 30 minutes aura goes to stand up, 'where are you going?' I ask. ' make us some breakfast' she says smiling. 

It wasn't long before we could smell the delicious breakfast, we head in side to see her plating up the food, we walk up behind her giving her a hug giving her a kiss. 'Come on' she says smiling 'Let's eat'.

'What are your plans' she asks us, 'I've got a couple meetings today, what about you tris?' I says. ' what do you fancy aura,' Tristan asks 'anything with you' she replies smiling.

After we had finished eating Aura goes to stand up, 'what are you doing?' I ask, 'going to wash up' she replies, ' no no' I say 'what?' She replies 'you sit down, I'll do it' I reply standing up walking round to give her a kiss.  I go and begin when washing up, as I am scrubbing a pan I feel a pair of arms snake round my waist, I look to my right and see tris smiling at me. 'You wash, I'll dry' he says smiling at me, 'thanks I reply kissing his cheek.

All of the suddenly I had the urge to throw some of the soap suds at him, he does the same to me and we go back and for until Aura walks in off the deck 'what are my boys doing?' She asks smiling at us, we look at each other and we pick up soap suds and walk towards her and throw the suds at her. We end up having a full on tickle sess, she wiggles out of our grasp running towards the bedroom we chase after her and she shuts the door in our faces, we try to open the door but it won't budge, we quietly walk away. 'You go left window and ill go right' Tristan says, we sneak round the side of the cabin, we climb through the window and tristan picks her up by the waist spinning her around.

I am waiting on the bed for them, he throws her on the bed and I instantly put my arms around her, kissing her all over, 'I love you so much' I say smiling, tris jumps on the bed and at the same we kiss our marks which cause her to chuckle.

We carry on this session till I realise its 10.30 and I have a meeting at 11. I go and get ready before saying goodbye,  running up to the house. 

I go and knock on the door, 'sorry I'm late' I say out of breath.

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