character information

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Sierra Madeline corey salvatore Age: 16WitchAdopted by damon and stefan salvatore Can do Magic with her hands and mind

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Sierra Madeline corey salvatore
Age: 16
Adopted by damon and stefan salvatore
Can do Magic with her hands and mind.
Does not require a wand but uses it from time to time.
She's in slytherin house.
Her animal is an owl.
Back home, She's close with jo and Bonnie since their witches too. She thinks of Elena and lexi as her sisters.
In hogwarts, She's besties with draco and blaise. But then she meets mattheo and has a enimies to lovers relationship with him. Tom doesn't like her at first but starts to when he realizes how happy she makes his brother. After that, Tom and her become friends and Tom tries to protect her as much as he can.

A/n I changed some things. Like what blaise looks like. Cause in my dr. He looks like ambrose from the chilling adventures of sabrina. I hope that's okay. And yes I made it to where mattheo is Tom's little brother and not his son. I've seen some people do that so I figured it was alright to do it too.

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