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You suddenly wake up to the loud beeping of an alarm clock from whatever dream you were having. The first thing you see when you wake up is a very stale looking grey roof. You stop laying down and get up, and bash your alarm clock to make it shut up, and begin to walk towards a door in a state of drowsiness, though an announcement plays on the speakers when you finally reach the door.

'' ...Good morning everyone, we hope you had a nice sleep, but we have an announcement to make. New staff members have recently accepted to work at the site, please welcome them in the cafeteria today.
Reminder: as per usual, be sure to report any strange activity that you notice.
Other than that, good morning.''
At the end of the announcement, you open a door to enter the support cave, and into the main area.
this is where you can do what you want, you could go to the cafeteria, or snoop around with another person, or whatever you want todo!!
just dont get demoted to subject.

      —— SUBJECT POV ——


You briefly look at the calendar on your wall, then check the time.
You should get ready for bed.
Your at home, nothing will change tomorrow.
While you went up the stairs, to your bedroom, you swear you hear the sound of glass tapping lightly.
You ignored this and went upstairs in your bedroom, as soon as you walk in, glass shatters and theres a big flash of white as you wake up inside some, unfamiliar chamber. You look at your clothes to see that they've been switched to some sort of shorts and t-shirt, you get up from your bed and look around your room-- A bland white room, a locked metal door, a sink, a desk, and a toilet, and the uncomfortable metal framed bed your laying on.
You dont know where you are- then suddenly, the door opens to a heavily armed and armoured person ordering you to go out your room, and line up with some unfortunate people like yourself who somehow got into this place.
You have to oblige unfortunately, you do not want a bullet in your skull, do you?
They do a rollcall silently somehow, and then orders everyone to go to the cafeteria nicely.
You dont have a choice but to follow along until you finally reach the cafeteria.
your turn now, prisoners!!
same with sci's feel free todo that you want eg: snooping and stuff or just hang out in the cafeteria, your choice!
just try not to be demoted into a coffin.

sorry for the delay, my throat fucking died in the middle of this.

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