Part 4; The Unhinging

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The rest of the journey was taken in silence, the odd directors inbetween. The air was becoming colder all around them as they came closer to the building they originated at. The purple glow of the Krang illuminated the building. Veins were warped inbetween the cracks. They made their way up the levels slowly, dismembered former footclan members flew at them from all angles. The closer to the top they got, the closer a strange echoing noise seemed to grow. Almost like a liquid. Leo and April peered round the next corner to see Cylōe encased in a vile with orange tinted liquid surrounding him.

"Wait, don't go yet. This is a setup." April held Leo back with the palm of he hand. "Oh cmon, as if they'd be smart enough to do that!" Leo confidently waltzed towards the vile, and continued to reach for the chain containing it. "See? How easy was tha-" He was cut off by a loud rustling noise behind him. "Something ran toward the room everyone else is in!" April called out. "You stay here and undo the kid, i'm gonna go save my brothers." April nodded. She reached for her last remaining test tubes in her bag. She could hear the crawling noises of the Krang's tentacles from behind her. "HYAA!" But when she swung round, nothing was there. "Oh, false- alarm?" She questioned herself but continued to unlock his chains. Cylōe's lifeless body slumped out of the vile and onto the floor, covered in liquid.

She lifted him up and got him together. Once he had composed himself, he spoke "Woah! You're April, arn't you? I've heard so much about you in my stories! :o" He admired her for a minute, and then continued "Where's Leo?" "Yeah, that's what i'm wonderin' too kid. C'mon!" She motioned him to follow her.

April and Cylōe approached the room where everyone was being held. Leo was in a corner, not moving. His brothers still in a trance. "Leo !" Cylōe called out, he did not react. "You go and get Leo out of here, i'll distract the Krang." "But what about the others?" "We'll worry about them when Leo isn't blacked out!" He didn't question her any further. He cautiously made his way down to Leo, avoiding the veiny ground beneath him.


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