5| A beautiful fucking day

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The shimmering water in front of us is adorned with shades of dark blue and green. The gentle lapping of the waves against the shore is accompanied by the distant cries of seagulls. The salty smell of sea air fills our lungs as we watch colorful explosions in the sky above us.

"I won't tell you anything, I don't know you." I light up the last cigarette in my pack. Cigarettes always run out at the most inopportune moment. 

Cigarettes are my silent friends, friends that hardly last three minutes each.

"Isn't it easier to open up to a stranger?" The mysterious guy beside me questions, not seeming to have much else to do.

I turn my head and look at him. "What banal nonsense."

"We ain't gonna meet again, anyway," he pushes on, not looking at me, which calms me to some extent.

I take a deep puff of my cigarette and afterwards, I talk about my crappy relationship and complain about Ricky. The stranger and I do not look at each other, only at the sea in front of us and at the fireworks, but he patiently listens to me for several minutes. I forget about the cigarette in my own fingers, and it burns out in the middle of my complaints. Then, I stick the cigarette butt into the neck of the empty bottle. I tell the stranger I'm really thinking about breaking up with Ricky. I admit that I kissed my ex behind Ricky's back and almost cheated on him, which means that I am not capable of such a wonderful feeling as love. I reveal that I actually used Ricky to get over my ex, but the effect of this "pill" was not long-lasting. When I finish the short story, the stranger remains silent for a while.

"I also have a girlfriend, but I'm tired of her, it's time for me to part with her, but I pull because my parents like her." He seems to be speaking to the silent sea, not to me.

"Break up with her." I throw it carelessly. "Wait, why are you telling me this?"

"You shared your problems, I repaid you with mine."

His voice sounds so good. I giggle as I look at his profile in the gloom.

"I could kiss you to comfort you, but I don't know you." The English words spoken by this stranger seep into my mind.

First, my eyes widen at the audacity of his phrase, then my lips stretch into a smirk . It's hard to tell if he's joking or serious, but I decide to play along and frantically choose my English words.

I liked this attractive guy's offer more than I should have.

"Believe it or not, I wouldn't let you do it for the same reason." I answer smiling.

He sighs noisily, and I hear a smile in that sigh.

"And I thought that was what you wanted."

How can he be so frivolous? He also has a girlfriend. Right?

"Why?" I'm calmly interested.

"From what you said. Don't you want to do something crazy? I think you want to do something that will make your heart beat faster."

"You're overconfident if you think you can make my heart..." I trail off, frozen as he moves closer, leaving only a couple of inches between our faces.

The visor of his cap still hides his eyes, but I can see his lips. Plump seductive lips. I can also smell him. Salty from sweat, yet sweet from pheromones. There is a throbbing between my legs and I clench my hips in protest.

This stranger smells so good that my hormones are at war with my mind right now.


His plump lips part, and I expect a kiss, but he starts to say:

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