Never Had A Friend Like Me

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Myself, Ethan and Ebby are in studio 1 practicing a trio when Kenzie walks in. I heard from Nick she is our new dance captain. 
"Welcome, everyone." She says as she walks in. 
"Hey." All three of us say. 
"For our first assignment I want you to create a trio." Kenzie tells us. 
"Is there anything specific you want to see?" Ethan asks. "Cos you-know-what is just around the corner."
"What I want you to do is work together." Kenzie replies. "I want to see style, I want to see individuality and I want to see you shine. More importantly, have some fun. Okay? You got this." 
We all smile at each other. "I'll see you soon."
She walks out and Ebby and myself talk about ideas while Ethan thinks. 

"One, two, three and four, five and six, seven..." Ethan counts as we dance. "Is something wrong?"
"Yeah. I actually had an idea." I tell him. "Why don't we go boom, boom, down?" I show them.
"Hey, I love that idea." Ebby says. 
"Thanks." I say to her.
"Yeah..." Ethan starts. "Any other time, that would be really, really, really fun, but if we're trying to win Nationals, we need to stick to my routine."

We've been at this for an hour, and Ethan has said 'no' to every single one of our ideas. I'm starting to get really frustrated. 

"You seem to know a lot about Nationals." Ebby points out. "Is that because you've been?" 
"Well, no, but I've watched so many videos, It's basically like I've been." Ethan tells us. 
"Oh, that's interesting." I reply. "I just assumed you'd been at least, you know, once, considering how much you think you know."
"Well, I've been a part of the studio for longer than you have, so I know more than you do." Ethan tells us. "OK, back up. Let's go from the top again. Come on. Today, Ebby, let's go." We get back to where we started. "Five, six, seven, eight, one, two." 
We continue to dance as Ethan continues to count.

 We are finally showing Kenzie Ethan's, I mean our, dance. 
"So what did you think?" Ethan asks Kenzie once we finish.
"It's a good start." Kenzie says.
"Thanks. I did basically all the choreo myself." Ethan says. "The executed my vision perfectly." 
"I thought we were supposed to be choreographing this together." Kenzie tells Ethan. 
"Well, we tried, but it was just going way too slow," Ethan lies. "so I figured I would take the lead and show you a Nationals-ready routine." 
"When did I say anything about Nationals?" Kenzie asks what we were all thinking. 
"Girl, you didn't have to say anything. I just knew." Ethan replies. 
"You guys are going to need to start over." Kenzie tells us.
"What? But this dance was great, no?" Ethan asks. 
"The point is, I want you guys to work on this together," Kenzie ignores his question. "choreograph it as a team." 
"Great, because I really wanted to do some partner work." Ebby adds. 
"See, I would love to see something like that." Kenzie tells Ethan. "So take the time, re-choreograph it, and I'll come back and watch it again. OK?" 
"Okay." Me and Ebby reply. 
"Good luck." Kenzie says walking away.
"Let's do the butterfly..." Ebby suggests.
"Yes!" I say amazed at her idea. 

Me and Ebby are practicing the dance that is now ours.
"We do the swoops." Ebby says.
"Swoops." I repeat as we do swoops. 
"What are we doing next?" Ebby asks.
"Um..." I reply and Ebby taps me. As I turn around I see Ethan.
"Look, I just wanted to say I'm really sorry." He says. "I was really obsessed with getting my way, and I didn't listen to any of your ideas. I'm sorry." 

I appreciate Ethan's apology. Maybe we can make this trio work. 

"We're trying to figure out this one part after swoop-swoop." I explain and we show. "What do you think?"
"Maybe we can go... Swoop, swoop, and then turn." Ethan shows and explains. 

We are showing Kenzie OUR dance this time, using partner work and all our styles. 

I love how this routine incorporates all of our styles. 

"Wow." Kenzie says about our dance. "You three were amazing. I saw each of you in this routine. You worked great together. Great job." Kenzie walks away.
"Yes!" Ebby cheers.
"We did that." Ethan responds. 

(A/N: I know I said I wouldn't post on Wednesdays but this is a treat for you all, just because I am writing myself ahead. See you soon.)

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