What'd I Miss?

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We are doing our first full team dance that is not related to Nationals. The team is so talented, how will Kenzie pick the alternates.
The energy in this room is so sick. I never, ever danced with such a talented group. 

"Everyone, that was amazing." Kenzie tells us. 
"Yeah." Most of us scream. 
"National is not going to know what hit them." Kenzie says. "So get a quick drink of water. The decorations are in the back coner, and let's make this the best party A-Troupe's ever had."
There are multiple different screams of 'Yeah!' and 'Woo!' 
We go and have a drink and start decorating, hoping that Richelle doesn't find out. A balloon pops and Pete or Antony screams, none of us can tell who. 

We are just finishing setting up the party.
"I think she's coming!" Kenzie whisper yells and we all run and hide. "Three, two, one..." 
"Surprise..." We yell and then realise it's not Richelle.
It's Maria. 
"Am I late for the party?" She asks. "I saw the selfies being taken, and I just couldn't resist."
"What are you doing here?" Kenzie asks as Richelle walks in with Ozzy.
"Yeah, what are you doing here?" Richelle echoes. 
"Surprise!" Maria says in a voice. "Well, well. Thanks for that little stunt that you pulled on the internet, you made me look like quite a villain. But, you know, it's all about controlling the narrative. If you don't like what people are saying about you, you change the conversation."
"Honestly, we don't even want to hear what you have to say." Kenzie says what we are all thinking. "We're 100% focused on Nationals."
"Oh! Well, isn't that a coincidence? Because so am I." Maria says. "That's why I brought a dance studio of my very own. State of the art equipment. Beautiful view of the water. We even have a juice bar. It is the perfect place for nationals champions to be born."
We all look worried.
"And where did you find that?" Richelle asks.
"Lucien?" Ozzy says as the man walks in.
"That's right, I'm back." He says to everyone. "And I've partnered up with Maria. Always a pleasure doing business with you, Maria."
"Always." She replies. "Now, as I'm sure you can probably sense, The Next Step is a sinking ship. And if any of you would like to escape, join a winning team, I'm here to offer every A-Troupe dancer a lifeboat. Come join me at Ultra Elite."
"Why would we ever want to join Ultra Elite?" Kenzie says. "We're 100% locked in on Nationals."
Maria and Lucien laugh at her.
"Kenzie, I'm so sorry, but you have literally zero leadership experience and therefore zero chance of winning at Nationals." Maria says and is dirty about it. "So, if any of you would like to take up on my offer, there might just be a Nationals soloist slot available for you." She laughs and then there is a minute of silence. "And then there's Richelle. It's a shame you're going to miss out on all the fun. But I heard you get to live your dream. Moving to LA. Going pro. Smart girl. You do not want to stay with this trash heap for much longer. Ciao!"
Then Maria and Lucien leave. We all feel the tension in the air. 

We are all sat doing nothing in the Studio. 
"Aren't you all curious about what Maria's studio is like?" Ebby asks us.
"Yeah. I mean, how much more state of the art can we really get?" Antony replies with a question. "We have lockers!"
"OK, my beautiful people! Let's not let Maria get us down. How about we play Two Truths and a Lie?" Pete asks.
"Wait, how do you play?" I question.
"Oh, OK. For those of you who don't know, how you play is basically we go around saying two things that are true about ourselves and one thing that isn't, and we take turns guessing which one is the lie." Pete explains. "So, I'll go first. I love lasagne. I volunteer at an old folks home. And my least favourite colour is blue."
As he says it me and Antony think it's number 2. 
"This is easy. I know for a fact that you favourite food is lasagne. I've seen you eat an entire tray in one sitting." Izzy says.
"You saw that?" He says thinking nobody say.
"Yeah, I saw that." Izzy replies. "It was intense." 
"Ok, so then that's easy. It's the old folks home." Antony says. 
"Wrong, my friend." Pete says. 
"What?" Antony whispers.
"So, your punishment is you have to go to the centre and do a silly dance move." Pete says.
"Come on, let's go." I say as Antony does a snake like move. 'Yeah!' Everybody screams.
"OK, OK. I'll go, I'll go. I have a pet tarantula named Wilbur. I can hold my breath for over a minute. And I'm half Polish, half Filipino." Antony lists.
"You're lying!" Jett says jumping up at the last one. 
"I mean, yeah, that is the point of Two Truths and a Lie." Antony replies.
"No, I'm Polish and Filipino!" Jett says. 
"You're Polipono?!" Antony yells.
"Yeah!" Jett says.
"OK, OK. Well, since you both got it right, how about you both do a silly dance move?" Pete asks.
They both mess around jumping and doing lifts. We then all join in.

Looks like Pete got this party back on track. 

We are all continuing partying and dancing with silly dance moves together. 
"Kenzie." We all hear and turn around. It's Heath. "I want to join A-Troupe."
WE all look at each other either confused or outraged.  

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