Crossing a Bridge

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Heath and I are rehearsing our duet for the semi-finals. Jude is watching us just in case she needs to step in last minute, and Kenzie is counting our steps to make sure we are perfect. 
"You're supposed to... We have to go forward, and then, jump." I complain at Heath. "You should know this."
"It's OK, it's OK." Kenzie says. "Let's just try it again. Ready?" 

Heath: The chemistry in this dance is non-existent and it's pretty much all Dani's fault. 

Ever since I accused Heath of being a double agent for Ultra Elite, he's hardly talked to me. (No duh, you called him a traitor dumbass.) This duet is in trouble. 

"One, two, three, four." Kenzie counts. 
"You're doing the same thing, though." Heath says. 
"You wouldn't even tell if you didn't know it." Jude tells us. 
"It doesn't even matter. It's starting to look really good." Kenzie says. 
Then Lucien walks in with Raye and Becky laughing at what they said. 
"Oh, is that what you think, Kenzie?" Lucien asks her. "You may need your eyes check."

I knew it, Raye and Becky got the duet. Even if Heath and I were talking we would lose. We are going home today.

"You want to see something really good?" He asks us. "Check these two out." 
Becky and Raye do some lifts.
"That already is really good." He tells us. "Hey, Heath, I meant to tell you. Thank you for not taking my offer. I honestly feel like I dodged a bullet."

No way. Hearing for Lucien that Heath turned his offer down proves that Heath was telling the truth. He was never working with Ultra Elite. I've been such a fool. 

Heath: Lucien is making me feel even worse, right now. But I have nothing to say back to him.  This duet's in trouble and I don't know how to fix it. 

Lucien laughs as Raye and Becky walk closer to me, causing Jude to walk toward them. 
"Jude, they aren't worth getting kicked out of Nationals for." I tell her as she is about to say something to them. "I mean they are not loyal other wise this wouldn't be happening right now." 
I then walk a little bit away as not to hurt either of them.
"If either of you were loyal then maybe Dani would never had her heart broken, never lost trust in everybody. Maybe had the people she loved the most there when she broke her leg, maybe even never had broken it. We would not be here on opposite side right now, think about that before you talk to her again." Jude tells them. (Go protective sister Jude!) 
"Oh, and you may have gotten into my head once but you can not anymore." I say and they roll their eyes and walk away. 
"Okay." Kenzie continues on to us. "Listen, I know there's a lot of drama going on with you two but tonight's the competition. I need you guys to work together and fix this. We're counting on you. OK? You got this." 
Then she walks off. 

Heath: If Lucien can see that Dani and I aren't in a good place, then the judges will see it too. But I can't forgive Dani right now. 

I know I messed things up with Heath. I need to figure out how to get him to forgive me, or else Nationals is over for us. 

Heath then walks away to grab a snack and Jude walks up to me.
"It's brave how you stuck up for yourself back with the girls. You know-" Jude starts before I cut her off by hugging her and crying. "Thought this would happen yeah."
"It's not just the girls." I tell her.
"The fact that this thing between you and Heath maybe why we get sent home?" She asks.
"And the fact I messed things up between us." I tell her.
"Then go and try to fix it." She says wiping my tears from my eyes and sending me after Heath. 

I need to fix my duet with Heath. I have a plan.  It's kind of a big risk, but I would rather take this risk than do nothing and lose. 

"Heath, finish your snack. You're coming with me." I say walk up to him alone at a table. 
"What? Where?" He asks coldly.
"I'll tell you about it on the bus." I say. "But the driver's waiting, so let's go."
"Where are we going, though?" He asks once again. 
"It's a surprise. Let's go!" I say walking away. 
"We can't leave yet. Dani, we're going to be on stage in a few hours. Come on." Heath complains.

"You can trust me." (The Next Step 8 x Oc) (Discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin