Any Dream Will Do

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Everybody is warming up for rehearsal of the group number everybody is mad at Jude and she is stilling sadly near me. 
"Hi, everyone." Kenzie says walking in. "Gather round." We all head over to her. "I want to address something. And let me be clear. Taking credit for someone else's choreo is an absolute no in the dance world."
"Yeah, it is." Antony says staring Jude down. 
"But we need to focus on moving forward. Frankly, we don't have any more time to waste. We're very behind on choreographing this dance. So starting now, it's crunch time."

Giving Jude a second chance might not have been everybody's decision, but Kenzie is right. We have no more time to waste. 

"Jude? Do you have anything you want to say to the team?" Kenzie asks her.  
"Look, I know I broke your trust. I hurt the team. I'm really sorry. I'm going to work extra hard to make it up to you."
I walk over to my twin sister. "It's all right." I tell her.
"That's the spirit." Kenzie tells us. "So if we get to the final round."
"Whoa! When we get to the final round." Pete interrupts.
"When we get into the final round, I feel like our last dance should represent us graduating into the big time, you know, proving that we made it. So I was thinking, the theme should be prom."
"Prom?" Pete says. "We could have, like, matching tuxes and a Mirror ball."
"Yeah, I like that." Kenzie says. "So it's crunch time. Spread out." Kenzie says and she talks as she shows us the moves. "So we're going to start here. Up. Then you push away. Then he goes around, down. We said, up, then you push, then around. Up, down."

Kenzie is making us go through the choreo.
"On five. Six, seven, eight, one." Kenzie counts as me and Heath start the dance. "Two, three, four makes five." Then herself, Jude and Antony join in. "Six, seven, eight, one. Two, three, four makes five. Six, follow up one. One, two, three, four.  Four, five, six, seven, eight, one." We finish. "That was great. Everyone get a drink." Kenzie tells us and me and Heath talk about our duet as Jude just runs out. 
"Pete, can you fill in for her?" Kenzie asks him. 
"Yeah. Yeah." Pete responds. 
"From the top, everyone." Kenzie says. 
"Er, barrel, yeah?" Antony asks Pete.
"Oh, yeah. That works." Pete says. "Yeah."
"And, Pete, when you're in the middle, pop with their motions." Kenzie advises.
"OK. Yeah." He says back. 
"One, two, three, four makes five, six, seven, eight." Kenzie counts. "One, two, three, four. Follow up we go. One, two, three."

"Follow up. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Five, six, seven, eight, one." Kenzie counts and we finish. "That was great. Let's run it one more time. A five, six, seven, eight. Go one, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight. One, two, three, four, five, six. One, two, three, four, five, six seven, eight... One, two, three, four, five, six. Four, five, six, seven, eight, one."
"Oh, sweet Pete, that was fire." Heath tells Pete. 
"It's so much better than before." Antony says.
"Hey, Jude. I didn't see you there." Kenzie says. "You should come back."
Jude grabs her stuff and leaves the Studio. 

(Sorry for not uploading for a week, I have been tired.)

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