When I was young..

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I grew up being bullied at school. My parents don't know about this. I never told them. I must admit that I am not that pretty when I was younger. Fair complexion, has chinky eyes and a very short hair. My father was the one who's cutting my hair and he said I am not allowed to let it grow long until I know how to fix it myself.

I can still remember when I had my very first crush, I was in 6th grade. And everybody knows including him. But he likes my bestfriend instead. Which is at that time was perfectly fine for me. After all we were all too young. After graduation, I transferred school. We all have to because or school is only offering primary level. At first I want to be where he will be enrolling but my parents wants me in different school. But he ended up enrolling where I did.

This crazy puppy love suddenly disappear when the school started. Meeting new friends, getting along with new faces and crushing over someone? I avoided. I thought, studies first. I was in 2nd year highschool when I met my first love. My bestfriend. He was, as they all call him even the faculty, the #1 problem student in the entire school. I was just quiet in class, everytime. Except of course when I need to be active and participating. But being bullied continued in highschool. But this time it's different. I have my savior. HIM.

He would normally sit beside me and hold my hand. Like he wants to tell me that I should not mind them and everything's going to be alright. As days pass by, somehow those people who always teasing me, calling me names, gets fewer and fewer. He brought me into his world. He let me fit in. And then I am beginning to notice that I am falling in love with him. Like I said I am not that pretty and for others not at all. That's why I tried ignoring it. Ignoring the feelings. But avoiding him is never possible. Because everytime I do, he's the one reaching out to me. We have fights and make ups like normal friends do, but for me, I hurt more. I see him as not only my bestfriend, but someone that I really cared about.

For me, he is the reason why I gain self confidence. He was the one who brought me out of the corner where everyone sees me differently. But still, there was never an us. He only sees me as his bestfriend. And he knew I love him. I wasn't that good in hiding it, he said. What I appreciate so much is eventhough he knew, he stayed as my friend. Then we graduated from highschool. We took our separate ways as I need to transfer school again for college. I heard he got rehabilitated and we saw eachother again after a year. To my surprise, I have completely moved on.

After this I prayed, I prayed hard and asked God to give me that someone that I will not regret having and giving everything to him. My destiny.

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