Answered prayer

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I thought I have already known Love, but not until I met the guy who will change my life forever.

I need a guitar one day because I need to do a recital. This is with one of my subject in school. I asked my sister if she knew someone who owns one that I can borrow to practice my piece. Fortunately, she did. She brought me to the house of this guy named, Mike. Mike is 18 years old back then and I was 22. When he was preparing the guitar before he give it to me, his brother refused. I had no choice but to agree with his suggestion to go to his house the next day instead so that I can practice. All is well and I find him kind. But it didn't end there. He asked for my number and he started texting me. Then he started courting me. I knew that I will not like him. I will not fall in love with him. This is because first, of the age gap and lastly of their financial status.

My father always say to find a man worthy of me. Who can provide and responsible. Who is not poor as a rat. Mike was the youngest among 4 brothers. His parents is counting on him to provide them financially more than his brothers. They have a small business but enough to suffice their expenses. They want Mike to finish his studies first before thinking of settling down. He courted me for a month, but I turned him down eventually. I know that we will never be and we will not work out. I know and I had that instinct. But we never stopped seeing eachother. After all we are still friends.

One day I saw him with a new girl. I expected to feel 'so what?' but no. No. That's not what I felt. I felt jealousy. I was jealous. And that's not what I supposed to feel. I turned him down and I don't supposed to feel regret. I couldn't help wondering if he still feels the same way. I am beginning to ask 'what if'. What if I took the chance? Are we happy right now? But I wouldn't know because I didn't take the chance. The chance that I wish I took advantage of. When I couldn't resist the urge to know anymore, I asked one of our friends one day to ask him if he still feels the same way about me. Days passed and I hear nothing from my friend. Then I though that's it. At least I tried.

When I was at the party, my friend texted me, James, he said YES. I asked 'Yes?'. Then he said 'That's the answer to your question. Mike still likes you'. I want to scream, I want to jump and that was the happiest day of my life. Then I asked James 'Tell him to court me again'. And Mike did, for another month. One day he asked, 'When will I know the answer?'. 'On Thursday' I said. Thursday came and I forgot all about it. But he reminded me, 'I thought I will have the answer today' he asked. 'Oh gosh! I'm sorry. Is it Thursday today?' I asked. He nodded. Then I said 'Yes'. He asked 'Yes what?'. I said, 'Yes, I am now your girlfriend'.

His face couldn't be explained. I said 'what now?'. Then he just smiled. And I know, I can feel his overwhelming feeling. I must admit I don't love him yet, not just yet. But I told myself, eventually. We were happy. So happy that I was thanking God and I took the chance. Everyday, I go to his house after school. It changed on how I see things. Of how I see life. I became more positive and patient. I thought, this is what love makes a person. I love the new me.

When the day comes that he needs to introduce me to his family, I was uncomfortable. Uncomfortable in a good sense. This is my first time. My another First Time. He was all busy preparing for this day. He cleaned his house and woke up early. He even asked one of our friends to go with him to buy food. It turned out well. I had a good conversation with his mom. Everything was fine and we are happy.

Everyday I help him with his business after school. I go straight to his house after my class. Not a single day that we didn't see eachother. But despite him introducing me to his family, I can't do the same to him. I don't know but back then, it wasn't just the time. But this was not an issue for us. I thought, in time, when we graduate, I will.

I let him do the things that he normally do before he met me. He can go out with his friends. Or stay outside late at night. I don't care because I trust him. I trust him.

But not for long......

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