Moving on

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Mike and I still see eachother on a regular basis. But if not I am with my gay friends drinking. Through them I met MJ. Cute. My ideal kind of guy. Has chinky eyes, has white complexion, taller than I am.

When we first met, I don't know but I suddenly felt that I like him. Eventhough at that time, 2010, I have not moved on yet, I know I like him. Before we part ways one night after we drank, he asked foR my number. Of course I gave it to him. He will text, he will call even if he's at work. Even if he's drinking wifth his friends. I was overwhelmed with the attention that he's giving me. Especially when he is the first one texting me. Mike and I always fight about texting. He always have an excuse not to text or not to reply.

But MJ is different. He has the initiative. You don't have to ask him to text or call you. He will do it. It Made me like him more. I don't know if he's courting or flirting, all I know he somehow made me forget Mike.

One night we meet our other friends to have a drink. Maybe I was not in the mood to drink that night that it hit me immediately after few shots. I informed Mj that I will be just lying inside our friend's house to rest. He followed and kissed me. I knew that he wanted something more than that but I refused. I was not ready yet. Besides, I am not a fan of one night stand. I did it once but it will never happen again.

He didn't insist. Instead he brought me home. He called me when he got home. That's his habit. Calling me after we part ways. Then I learned that something happened between him and my friend. He met my friend first and it happened, they said only once. I don't know what to feel but somehow I became jealous. I have no right to become one I know. Then I'm getting cold treatment. His attention is more with my friend and he is ignoring me.

One night after one of those drinking nights that we had, he called. He said 'It's better if we will just be friends'. I said 'ok'. It's not a big deal for me as I was still inlove with Mike. But when he's around I feel different. I just want to kiss him. But not have sex with him.

Then I wonder, is he really single? Cause he flirted with me and my friend both. Does he have a gf? A wife? A love child? My friends may not know also as they have just met him very recently.

All of a sudden, we didn't hear from him anymore. We heard he went to pampanga, his hometown. His friend says, he'll be staying there for the mean time. Then after few months we found out, they just had his child christened. Just as I thought. At that time I was thankful I didn't have sex with him. That was close. We found out that During those times that he was drinking with us, his gf is currently pregnant.

I didn't hear from him again since then. We just heard he left for dubai. He would message me in Facebook but I eventually deleted him. I don't know, I am just not comfortable talkIng with him about kinky stuff. When he left, I started seeing Mike again.

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