Our 2nd chance

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Everyday he is my good morning and my goodnight. We talk everything about our lives. His family, his job, his daughter. My family, my job and my being single. Everything. Even nonsense things. But I don't get bored. I even became curious. I took advantage of the chance that I am still able to talk to him. Because maybe one day I may not be able to.

One day he told me his gf suddenly left and went back to Manila with his daughter. They fought he said. And she never came back. Our texting and calling became an everyday routine for us. Until he asked me to go to his mom's house, where he's currently staying. He said he would show me their place and where he lives. He also said that we can drink and I can stay there. At first, I'm having second thoughts. I know him and I'm not ready to give in. If you know what I mean. The 2nd time he asked me, I said yes. But I asked my friend to come with me. She's also from his town and she knows how to get there. We left at 9pm and arrived there at 12mn. He picked us up at the subdivision entrance. We bought beer, food and headed to his house. When we got there, everyone was already sleeping. Including his father who's at that time undergoing a chemotherapy for bone cancer.

He told us what was his life in Dubai. His work and the people there. He told us everything from the moment he got there and the jobs he had. I was susprised how different the MJ that I met 2 years ago and the MJ who's infront of me now. He left in 2010 and got back in 2012. I can still remember when we first met. All he does is drink and bum around with friends. With no dreams and don't know where to go. But as I look at him now, he's a changed man. More mature and knows what he wants.

I went to the rest room for awhile. And when I get back, it's his turn. When he's away my friend asked me to go outside. She feels like throwing up. And she did. After she threw up she said something, 'You know what MJ told me earlier when you were at the rest room? He said he knows that you like him and he likes you too. But he said you seem like a bossy person that he's thinking twice'. I want to jump, as high as I can. I want to do a cartwheel as many as I can. I didn't know I was that obvious and I didn't know he feels the same. I hugged my friend all of a sudden and he caught us. With a question mark on his face wondering what are we doing and why are we hugging eachother. We just laugh and went on with the drinking. I admit I got tipsy, should I say drunk. We ended the night, went upstairs and the next thing I know, he's sleeping beside me.

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