My Philosophy

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I walk into Studio 1 as I have nothing to do today and am here with Jude as she is trying to become the soloist when I see Heath and Ozzy moving things around.
"You know, I'm really glad we sold Richelle on that new theatre space." Ozzy says as I lean against the door.
"Yeah, great job." Heath replies, they do a hand shake and then all three of our phones go off.
"Oh hello Dani." Heath says when he realises I'm there.
"Hi." I say as we all check our phones.
"TeaAra Bling just posted another video." Ozzy says as if we couldn't all see that.
They both click play and I walk over to watch with Heath.
"The Next Step have added a new star member, a true triple threat by the name of Cleo. And my well-placed sources tells me that Cleo is a supernova of a talent." TeaAra explains. "Clearly, The Next Step was not confident in their own abilities, so they brought in a ringer. But good thing they did, because Cleo is a star in the making."
"Did you guys find anything weird about what TeaAra Bling just said?" Ozzy asks us. 
"Yeah." Heath replies, I thought everything was fine. "Technically, a supernova has already exploded, right?" Heath asks making me nod. "That's what makes it super. It can't happen twice."
"No, not that!" Ozzy retaliates. "TeaAra Bling is always talking negative about The Next Step, and suddenly she's just hyping Cleo up?"

Ozzy clearly obsessed with this TeaAra Bling thing, and to be fair so am I. But not this much. 

 "Think about it. Cleo's had it out for A-Troupe ever since we picked Dancemania over Nationals. And if it wasn't for us, she would have had such an easy path to Nationals." Ozzy rants and I just give Heath a look. "What a genius way to sabotage us from the inside, while becoming a star in the process."

Cleo isn't the mole, right? I mean it started when A-Troupe chose a show, not Nationals I believe. I came in only to practice. If they find evidence I will help, but they owe me.

I am practising believing I am alone and when I finish I hear clapping and turn around.
"That was amazing." Heath tells me. 
"Oh thank you, I didn't think anybody was in here." I tell him.
"Honestly me either, I came to practice for Step Inside." He says.
"Oh well I'm done now, so you can rehearse, I was about to leave anyways." I say.
"Okay, goodnight Dani." He says.
"Goodnight Heath." I say grabbing my stuff and walking out. 

"You can trust me." (The Next Step 8 x Oc) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now