"My coping mechanism" 5/9

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S (saki) pov

Both Toya and Tsukasa got back super late than usual, but it didn't seem as lively as usual.

The mood seemed off, like they just figured out deadly news-- kind of like how things were back at the hospital.

Why am I always left out of stuff like this? I wanna help too!

I would pull in the extra forces (aka l/n) but the last time I did it was awkward . .


And just like that, I have a lead.

The light blue cardigan Tsukasa usually wears has a stain.

a burgundy one.

But it's exactly like the other sweater! Ugh, I'm back to square one.

Tsukasa wouldn't hurt himself. I'm sure of it.

Am I really sure of it though?


T pov (I'm pretty sure you know the difference)

I sat in my room, enjoying the comfortable silence

my arm stung.

a lot.

I layed in bed while rubbing my wrist, Toya didn't even grip it that tightly so I have no idea why it started bleeding . .

I've felt absolutely nothing this entire week besides empty.

I don't want to feel horrible, or make anyone else worry.

But now I'm feeling something strong.

Maybe pain isn't the best description of feeling something.

I just--

want to feel something again.

Even if I have to force it.

*click!* the noise of locking a door sounds louder than any scream.

*click* also the sound of a boxcutter opening up.

I stare at the rusty box cutter, why'd I find this in Saki's room?

Maybe she was going to throw this away; I can't have that happen.

This is mine.

My coping mechanism

What type of star does this?

what am I doing?

A star is supposed to naturally bring people up, make their day better, be an inspiration, shine brighter than anyone around them.

Not be like me.

No star would hurt themselves.

Is it because I'm stupid and ego reliant?

If I was someone else, I'd hate me too.

Today was half decent so why do I feel the need to do this?

Why do I feel the need to worry others and damage myself?

*knock knock* "Tsukasa,I made dinner!" Saki said proudly

I quickly swapped sweaters, threw my blue one on the ground and put on a thicker one.


Why am I like this?

Why am I so fake?
\_____[timeskip]-[8 hours]____/

I need to go back.

Back to where it started,

back to where everyone either hates or pities me,

I hate it so much,


it's not like the cold desolate air is 'so very' welcoming either.

What if I skip?

"I'm heading off saki!" I yell, hoping she hears me

I know I'm not heading to school, maybe I'll call in sick!

S pov

Detective Saki day 2:

My school probably thinks I'm still sick, the don't say anything because they don't know crap about my condition and don't wanna be disrespectful, so they won't call.

Detective saki is on the case again!

I walk up the stairs in my dad's trenchcoat, it doesn't fit but I still feel professional-!

*VRRRRRRRRRR* my phone rings

I pick up the phone.

"Saki-! haha, hi!"
I can hear Honami on the other line so I instantly get excited.

"Hona-chan hi! Tell the others I'm not coming to school today, detective saki is still on her case!" I say, proudly.

"Saki I actually had something to tell you that shiho told me about Tsukasa. ."

"Huh? I'm all ears! If you can't say it over the phone we should totally meet up at that cute penguin cafe!" I really just wanted an excuse to go to the penguin cafe with honahona, but she has school and I can't expect her to skip school, agai--

"Yes! Is it okay if I bring Shiho with me? They're getting a bit antsy."

Awh, I thought it'd be the two of us, but of course group meetups are also nice.

Detective Hona and shii-chan have hopped on the case!

T pov:

Where to go . . .

I could go to a friend's house, or a cafe of some sort.

It's too cold to go swimming and too awkward to go back to pxl so I'm stuck at the god forsaken train station.

What if I just chill at a motel with snacks and stuff until school ends? 

Ahh, that'd be so boring! I could go to they park or something ?

Maybe just chill at a cafe?

why'd I choose to do this?

I should've just went to school.

No because what type of stupid idea was this? I'm at the train station, with only my fucking phone and bookbag with my wallet, a bottle of water, and a hat.

now I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere and just wanna sleep . . .

"Tsukasa-kun!" I hear an energetic voice call out.
(take a guess)

I can't make out who it is as I slowly




sleep.  . .

"TSUKASAAAAAAAA" I hear the voice scream while rapidly shaking me as I wake up.


"Emu? What are you doing here?"

pg5 completed
sorry y'all yous ain't getting anything angsty until I feel better mentally 🤩🥱

my fucking counselor told my parents I was suicidal🤩🤩

Also sorry for the late upload, but you're getting it before December so ‼️‼️

byebye luvs!


the immortal snail is coming.



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