Chapter 3: The Baxter Heir

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"This place," Rose started before she regretted breathing. "It smells vile."

"I'd think you'd be used to these kinds of places," Jizelle said. "Your shady deals and whatnot."

"I can't speak for my father, but if I'm going to conduct a shady anything, I'd prefer to do so in a place where my shoes don't stick to the floor. These shoes are too nice for... this."

So this is what Theodore meant by ladies of our caliber in a place like this.

Rose cringed as they approached the abandoned textile warehouse. There was a whistle aimed in their direction. She, and her entourage ignored it.

"These 'hot, sweaty men,' as you call them, had better be worth it, Mel."

"Oh, they are," Melonica assured her. "Lynx, and I've been coming to these little scuffles for a while now. Trust me. You'll forget all about that poster boy you have framed in your room."

"Hah! Maybe there's one cute enough to serve as a distraction, but one that'll impress me better than Steel? Blaze's primary enforcer who can probably dodge mines in his Bayonet with his eyes closed? I highly doubt that."

"Yeah, yeah, if anyone gets that, it's us. You know we love the cars too," Melonica agreed, referring to her and Lynx who were fellow armed racing enthusiasts. "But watching two strong men engage in some good old fashioned fisticuffs? Well, you'll see."

"Hmm, I agree with Rose. Don't think there's any topping Lancet. Except for maybe Theo."

Jizelle cut Lynx off. "I'd top Theo any time if he asked."

The gaggle of women burst into laughter until Jizelle spotted the bruisers at the doors. "Look alive, ladies. Gloxi, you're up."

Rose squared her shoulders, and clicked her way to the biggest man by the doors. There was a small crowd lined up, waiting to get in. Rose could feel the electronic beat pulse in her bones, even from outside. The guard blinked at her as if unsure whether she was an apparition. Rose couldn't blame him. By the way she was dressed, she didn't look the part.

Probably should've left the sparkly things at home.

"Hello! We're here for the fight. I don't suppose you'll let a girl skip the line, would you?"

"Yer on the wrong side of town, girlie. Yer not gonna find any wine an' fine dinin' here."

"Actually, I'm exactly where I want to be. Now stop wasting my time, and tell your boss that Rose Gloxinia has arrived. Cushiest seats in the house, please. For four."

"What is that? Stripper name?"

When the rest of her friends caught up with her, the man arched a brow at Lynx and Melonica. "Razor gang, huh? If yer lookin' for car sissies, you're not findin' it here. Now scram before I change my mind."

"Oh, good, Gods. Do we have to do this the hard way? My shoes are screaming enough as it is. I'd hate to soil them even further by having to deal with some brainless git who doesn't have eyes. Gloxinia!" Rose enunciated her last name through her teeth as she braced herself to fetch her Aconitum in her purse. "Go tell your boss! Now!"

The man was two heads taller than Rose, but Rose was unfazed. The Heiress was used to his type. There were plenty of said types in her own family. Once he raised his meaty arm, Rose's instincts took over — reflexes that had been hammered into her since her hands were large enough to properly hold a gun. The silver of her Aconitum's muzzle snubbed into his chest before his arm could finish its descent. Her assailant stopped, and bared his teeth.

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