Chapter 7: Home Sweet Home

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Rose woke up to the sound of distant yelling in the halls. Bleary eyed, she pushed herself up from her pillow, and blinked furiously until she remembered where she was. Her bed being twice the size of the one in her apartment was the most obvious indicator.

Ah. Home sweet home. Nothing like the lovely sound of a tantrum!

The afternoon after the cemetery, and two classes, her family's men drove her back to the Gloxinia Estate for the weekend. Rose recharged by turning her comm off, eating professionally prepared meals, and doing her law, and ethics homework in her family's heated garden house. The screaming, however, was most definitely not on her agenda.

Annoyed, Rose kicked the covers off, wrapped a fluffy robe around her, and stomped to her door in her socks. When she swung it open, her aunt blinked at her wide-eyed, startled that she was caught trying to blend into the walls.

"Not another word, Johan. You're going."

"For what, dad? Uncle Andrew has it covered."

"That's not the point! Take advantage of the fact that your cousin is opting out of these things, and get more involved."

"But I don't-"

"It's your duty as a Gloxinia, Johan! A man! If your uncle, and I were to drop dead-"

"Don't say that! About dying," auntie Lonna scolded, but her husband ignored her.

"Who do you think the family would look to lead!"

"Rose! Because she's set for that!"

"And if something were to happen to Rose? Someone comes at her with a gun? What're you going to do, son? Hide behind her?"

"No, of course, not! I'd defend her if I have to, but she can handle herself."

"Maybe," Fachnan admitted, his bushy mustache overlapping his scowl. "Maybe not. But she's not around these days—"

"Only because she's been going to school!"

"—and you are perfectly capable. Your uncle leaves to Kayos in a week, and you're going with him. No more weaseling out of anything that involves the family." Johan took a step back when his father shoved an accusing finger towards his face.

"Uncle Fachnan." Rose padded down the hall, and tightened her robe. "I should've known. Who else screams like a mad man at what? Nine in the morning? And here I was, hoping to work on my Riot Rose with my cousin, but Gods forbid I have a day without drama. "

Johan visibly brightened at the reference. She often enlisted his help for her side project. For a Gloxinia, Johan was of a softer breed, but he still had muscle even if he wasn't a bruiser.

"First off, it's long past time to wake up, girl. Even your cousin here is already up."

Rose slid her arm under Johan's, and leaned her frizzy hair against his shoulder. Her cousin's body relaxed in her grasp. Judging by the fact that he was still in his flannel pajamas, the poor guy didn't even get to drink a cup of coffee before his father likely caught him in the hall, and went into a tizzy.

"I swear, you are your father's daughter. Need I remind you that racing is Blaze territory. We deal in guns, not cars. Your pet project is a waste of time."

"My Riot Rose is a uniquely crafted armed vehicle put together from the ground up by yours truly. Calling it a pet project is a disservice."

"That stupid car is one of the many reasons why your head is in the clouds, and not on our family business."

"The entire reason I'm going to Lazuli University in the first place is our family business. I take our weaponry, the lifeblood of the Gloxinias, very seriously."

"Your lack of concern says differently. Your father and I have been doing damage control for the last two weeks! Where the hell have you been?"

"Damage control? What in the Cosmos are you talking about?"

At this, Fachnan's jaw snapped shut. He blinked at her, stunned by her confusion before turning to his son who appeared equally surprised. A sideways glance at auntie Lonna, and it was clear to Rose that she was missing context.

When it dawned on him that Rose was truly clueless, Fachnan barked out a laugh. "You mean? Hah! My brother didn't tell you? And here I thought you were just being indifferent."

"What?" Rose squawked angrily. "What's going on?"

Johan winced apologetically when he addressed her.

"Our last shipment to Kayos is missing."


"Sorry? I thought you knew. It never made it to our buyers. Hence the in person trip uncle Andrew's making."

As Rose processed this news, a smug grin slowly twisted her uncle's grizzly face.

"This proves my point, son," he said to Johan. "The Gloxinias need to present a united front, and put on a show of force. I'd join you if I didn't have to placate our investors on this side of the fence, but in the meantime, Andrew needs you on that trip."

"The hell he does!" Rose growled. "How the hell does an entire batch of weaponry go poof! Each quarterly shipment is worth thousands, hell, even millions depending on the order! How the fuck does such a thing disappear, and why am I just hearing about it now?"

"The ongoing theory is-"

"No." Fachnan stopped Johan. "If you want details, heiress," he hissed, "I suggest you speak with Andrew. Either way, your cousin is going. End of discussion."

Rose released Johan's arm, and sneered at her uncle. "We'll see about that, won't we, uncle?"

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