Chapter 6: Prime Cut

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"Thanks again, Lynx. For taking me."

Rose sighed and leaned her forehead against the chilled window. The cold was a comfort against the niggling throb between her eyes.

"It's no problem," Lynx said from the driver's seat as she swatted black curls out of her eyes. "I was long overdue in visiting mama anyway so it works out. Thanks for bringing her flowers."

"Of course. It's up to us to keep our mothers beautiful. Leave it up to our fathers, and-" Rose caught herself. "Sorry. That was presumptuous of me."

Rose hadn't realized she was squeezing her comm-device to death until it vibrated in her hand. The heiress rolled her eyes, and in spite knowing exactly who it was, and what for, she looked at the screen anyway.

             James: srry babe. u know how it is make it up to u??? dinnr later?

"Son of a Chaos worshipping whore," Rose grumbled at both his half ass apology, and his severe lack of punctuation.

"The fiancé, I take it?" Lynx said knowingly.

"Not at this rate," Rose scoffed before she chucked her device on the dashboard, and hugged the bouquets of flowers closer to her chest. The floral scent helped to ground her.

"Mmm. As for the father thing, it's fine. It is what it is. My dad is a dead beat coward. Who knows what ditch I would've ended up in had it not been for my brother taking care of me."

"I could find him you know."

Lynx raised her brows, processing, but kept her eyes on the road. "My father, you mean?"


"Nah. I don't want anything to do with that bastard. Not now."

"Are you sure?"

"He ain't never done nothing for me. Minel, and I have each other. We don't need him."

Rose didn't have siblings, so she didn't completely understand. She did, however, have a cousin. There was a warm sense of longing in her chest.

Maybe I should go home this weekend.

"How is he by the way? If you're comfortable sharing."

"Minel... has his days. His speech is still kinda slurred, but he's getting better. I think. The physical therapy is slow, but he walks around now."

"He does! That's great, Lynx!"

"Only in the apartment. And with crutches, but it's something, right? He's come a long way since — the accident, but his fighting days are definitely over."

"That... sounds hard. For both of you."

"It is. I-I mean, it was. He made enough to scrape by, but then... got in with the wrong crowd, I guess." Lynx yawned. A reminder that she worked while attending classes part time. And that was in combination with being a caregiver.

"Let me know if I can help, okay? Whether it's money or dragging your father out of the gutters to teach him a harsh life lesson. I have my own little nest egg that I keep from my father's bad habits."

Rose smirked at her friend in an attempt to cheer her up. Lynx returned the smile, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"That's sweet, Rose, but I don't want your money-"

Lynx flinched when the jarring ring of her car communicator interrupted. She eye'ed the name scrolling across the screen. Her knuckles on the steering wheel whitened. After a few rings, Rose offered, "I can pick up for you if you'd like?"

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